
In the royal citywe’ve only been talking about that since Thursday, December 5. Pascale Loiseleurthe mayor of Senliswould have intervened between two angry men, ready to come to blows. The elected official acknowledges having intervened but wants to be resolutely modest. “It was another man who did most of the work,” smiles the mayor of Senlis.
This Thursday, it is not yet midday when Place de la Halle, located in the city center, suddenly comes alive. “Two men, a delivery man and a motorist, got into a disagreement over a parking problem,” reports a witness at the scene. Bird words rang out then the motorist got back into his car.” The matter could have ended there. Except that the delivery man wanted to take a photo of the license plate of the vehicle as it was leaving. “I think that’s what upset the motorist,” confides a local trader.
The tone is seriously rising
Still, this time, the tone is seriously rising. The two men get dangerously close to each other. Pascale Loiseleur was at the fishmonger at that time. She hears screams and tells herself that she must intervene. With her tricolor scarf in hand – she has just taken part in a commemorative ceremony – she sets off to meet the two belligerents. A third man follows suit. “It was he who calmed down the other two,” says the mayor of Senlis.
Training used wisely
In fact, it seems that the presence of the chosen one had a considerable impact. Because if some elected officials constantly boast of having two doctorates, but do anything, others have followed diploma training, without shouting it from the rooftops, and use it wisely. This is the case of Pascale Loiseleur who, discreetly, followed training at the mediation and negotiation training institute (Ifomene). “It’s true that this training undoubtedly allowed me to calm things down,” she says.
The mayor finally introduces herself
Finally, things calm down… Pascale Loiseleur introduces herself. Both men say they are delighted to meet him. “But they admitted to me that they would have preferred this meeting to take place in other circumstances,” confides the elected official who, finally, asked the motorist and the delivery man “to kindly shake hands .” Which they did.
“I find that the mayor, extremely calm, did what was necessary,” concludes a resident of Place de la Halle. Today, everyone is upset about yes or no. Verbal escalation seems to be in order for some. Fortunately there are people like Pascale Loiseleur to calm heated minds…”
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