
While a very old local elected official from the south of Aisne (Jacques Krabal) is agitating as best he can to try to still exist with his outdated crusade about the Château-Thierry hospital, from December 3, Sébastien Eugène, chairman of the supervisory board of this hospital, also president of the Château-Thierry agglomeration, mayor of this commune and departmental councilor of Aisne, told the Regional Agency of Health (ARS) of its opposition to the closure of the cardiology intensive care unit (ICU). In fact, four beds in this unit will be closed, while two will be opened at the Soissons hospital. With words that are not very politically correct, he urges this administration to reverse its decision.
“The implementation of the regional health project seems to be variable geometry”
If the beginning of the missive to the Director General of Health of Hauts-de-France begins respectfully, Sébastien Eugène’s speech then aims to be more incisive. “The Regional Health Agency recently refused the continuation of the cardiology intensive care unit,” writes the chairman of the supervisory board. Then he continues. “This decision is particularly surprising since the regional health project provides for the maintenance of this unit, considering that it meets a need in the South of Aisne and promotes the attractiveness of the hospital. »
Then his words become less smooth. “The implementation of the regional health project seems to be variable. No one would understand that the ARS strictly applies or arbitrarily ignores the same text as it sees fit. »
Reversing this decision
Sébastien Eugène then argues for a “reasoned and caring examination of this file”, while the medical and administrative teams “are currently working on the sustainability of the USIC. »
A late train to Krabal?
More than a week after sending this letter, an association, some of which imagine that it is in truth manipulated by the former deputy Jacques Krabal, interceded with Xavier Bertrand so that the latter supports the maintenance of this unity USIC in the Castel hospital establishment.
On December 11, Jacques Krabal released a new open letter, distributed by a confidential internet page, in which he attacked the local RN deputy and the mayor of Château-Thierry by presenting himself and this association as the only defenders of safeguarding of the hospital: “For my part, to defend our hospital, I call on everyone, staff, unions, political parties to come together with the association “My health I care about, its hospital, its health pool life, I support” (a name in the form of dialogue from Master Yoda in Star Wars, editor’s note)”. You have denigrated and despised these volunteers who lead a worthy fight. Defending and promoting the south of Aisne, these commitments have always motivated me. Today, my determination is total to oppose the project to dismantle our hospital that you support. Together, let’s mobilize to stop the destruction of the Château-Thierry Hospital Center. »
Uninformed Krabal
So, is MP Jacques Krabal just one step behind, or does he no longer have an operational network of informants which would have allowed him to know of the existence of this letter from Sébastien Eugène to ‘ARS? Because today, his trade unionist friends have been put in the minority at the hospital and it is the CGT which is in charge. While the former glory of the South of Aisne directly threatened a member of this union, who ended up obtaining the protection of the hospital, it could well be that this change of majority union had the consequence of impoverish the information intended for the former deputy.
Once again, the shadow of General de Gaulle’s remarks on old age and its shipwreck returns like a boomerang to Jacques Krabal’s head.
Maxime-Grégory Adrien.
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