
In the case of waste trafficking in the town of Nogent-sur-Oise, Jean-François Dardenne, ex-PS, ex-Renaissance mayor, was not indicted. Twelve people were arrested on Tuesday morning, December 3.
Searches were carried out at the homes of the accused, at the company’s headquarters, as well as at the town hall of Nogent-sur-Oise. Around 45,000 euros in cash were seized as well as two vehicles, luxury watches, and weapons, particularly category A and B (a machine gun, handguns), according to the Paris prosecutor’s office.
Four indictments
At this stage, four people have been referred and indicted by the investigating judge for the offenses of environmental damage, money laundering, participation in a criminal association, and offenses against weapons legislation. Three were placed in pre-trial detention, one under judicial supervision.
The police custody of the other people (including the mayor of Nogent-sur-Oise) was ended without being presented before the investigating judge at this stage.
The clarification that Jean-François Dardenne was not presented to the investigating judge means that he was not indicted in this case.
Hell’s Angels
Initially, this case was handled by the Meaux public prosecutor’s office (Seine-Maritime). The Meaux public prosecutor’s office relinquished jurisdiction on January 25, 2024 in favor of the JIRS of Paris (interregional jurisdiction specializing in the fight against organized crime and delinquency).
The OCLAESP (Central Office for Combating Environmental and Public Health Attacks) had received information according to which a construction company was using land in Nogent-sur-Oise to bury waste without authorization. Several managers and employees of this company are also active members of the Hells Angels.
Stone sales and waste dumping

It appears from the first elements of the procedure that the company had been the subject of an ICPE (Installation Classified for Environmental Protection) declaration, and had obtained permits from the town hall to develop two plots of land. land, with a view to raising them and crushing rubble on site for resale.
Conversely, scouring (the action of digging) and the extraction of stone for resale were noted. The hole was blocked by the dumping of waste.
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