
The consequences can be chilling. On one side, the carcass of a car lies, the front completely exploded. The rest of the engine is on the ground. On the other, an empty school bus finds itself in a poor position, overturned in a ditch. The front of the machine was also badly damaged.
These are the consequences of a traffic accident occurred in the woods on the heights of Verderonnenear Liancourt, Friday December 20, in the middle of the afternoon. The two vehicles collided on a small winding road, linking Verderonne to Angicourt. The causes remain to be determined.
Two people trapped in the passenger compartment
Inside the car, two people found themselves trapped in the passenger compartment. Once extracted, they were taken care of by emergency services. They transported them to hospital for treatment of minor injuries.
In the school bus, “there was a female driver,” specifies Philippe Lepori, mayor of this small town in Liancourtois. “Luckily it was empty, because it could have overturned and the death toll could have been higher.” The driver was not injured.
The operation mobilized around twenty firefighters.
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