“I never came into contact with these young girls…” Implicated for having made sexual proposals to two young girls who were minors and held child pornography images, Jean-Baptiste Munnier, 26, found himself, this November 20, before the bar of the judicial court of Senlis where he is must be judged in an immediate appearance chaired by Olivier Michelet.
The epilogue of a trap set by two associations, Aquila and Team Moore, who used avatars, as they often do, to confuse the pedophiles who are rampant on the web in order to prove that they are looking for of teenage girls.
He sends photos of his penis
Examining the IP address of thecomputer of Jean-Baptiste Munnier, who resides in Ver-sur-Launetteshows that it is each time used for unequivocal conversations during which the defendant also sent photos of his genitals.
Heard in police custody by the gendarmesthe young man does not recognize the facts and keeps this version before the judges where he is dressed in a flocked “Prévention Sport Collège” sweatshirt: “I did have pornographic photos on my hard drive but in no case those of minors . Regarding my gender image on Facebook, I think it’s because I was hacked…”
To a question from the public prosecutor who asks him if he really thinks that his defense system is plausible, Jean-Baptiste Munnier replies that he told the truth.
Sexual disorders
After a truly chaotic childhood and several placements in foster families and homes, the young man declares that he has smoked cannabis since the age of 8. Early consumption corroborated by the psychiatrist who highlights important educational deficiencies and sexual disorders.
His criminal record includes three mentions for burglaries, drug use and carrying a weapon: elements which are not likely to reassure the representative of the public prosecutor: “We receive a lot of these types of reports. I think it’s important to remember that line when he said he’s had sex before…I’m appalled by his positioning and I’m very concerned. What would have happened if it wasn’t avatars? I have no doubt about his guilt. It is he who is the author of these obscene exchanges… I ask you to sentence him to 15 months in prison with a probationary suspension of 3 years with an injunction for treatment and a ban on coming into contact with minors…”
Uncontrolled sexuality
In her pleading, the defense lawyer, Maître Amandine Fontaine-Tardu, emphasizes her client’s personality disorders: “First of all, I am happy that he is present today. We are dealing with an obvious pathology linked to uncontrolled sexuality. I think he is incapable of recognizing that he was dealing with very young girls. I sincerely wonder about the alteration of his discernment. He has always been left to his own devices…”
Ultimately, he was sentenced to 8 months in prison with suspended probation and his registration on the sex offenders register.