
As part of the extension of the Vallée de l’Escaut II business park, launched in 2020 in the commune of Onnaing, Valenciennes Métropole is implementing the principle of collective agricultural compensation. With a budget of €794,617, this system aims to support innovative and sustainable collective agricultural projects, meeting the needs of the region.
A call for expressions of interest (AMI) has been launched to allow farmers and agricultural groups to publicize their projects. This first stage aims to assess the solidity of the initiatives, to facilitate the grouping of similar project leaders and to prepare their technical support by the Chamber of Agriculture of Nord-Pas-de-Calais, partner of Valenciennes Métropole.
Projects must be part of approaches promoting the development of short circuits, the diversification of agricultural income, innovation and the installation of new operators, the sustainability of local slaughtering solutions, the reduction of agricultural inputs or the promotion a healthy and sustainable diet.
This call is aimed at all farmers in Valenciennes Métropole or neighboring communities, whether they are already members of a collective or wish to form one. The AMI phase, currently open, allows project leaders to structure their ideas with a view to a second stage: a call for projects planned from June 1, 2025, which will make it possible to finance the selected initiatives.
Two information meetings will be organized to present this system. The first will be held on December 17, 2024 in Thivencelle, the second on January 13, 2025 in Monchaux-sur-Écaillon, at 2:30 p.m. Interested farmers can register with Delphine Dubois, by e-mail (delphine.dubois@ npdc.chambagri.fr) or by telephone on 03 27 21 46 80.
For any additional information on collective agricultural compensation, Lucie Desmet of the Chamber of Agriculture is also available at the following address: lucie.laly@npdc.chambagri.fr.
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