Twenty-one years ago the Italian contingent stationed in Nasiriyah, in southern Iraq, was the subject of a very heavy kamikaze attack. 28 people lost their lives in that attack, organized with a truck stuffed with TNT launched at breakneck speed against the Maestrale base. The blood toll of our country was very high: in fact, there were 19 Italian victims. Twelve of them were carabinieri belonging to the Multinational Specialized Unit: Massimiliano Bruno, Giovanni Cavallaro, Giuseppe Coletta, Andrea Filippa, Enzo Fregosi, Daniele Ghione, Horacio Majorana, Ivan Ghitti, Domenico Intravaia, Filippo Merlino, Alfio Ragazzi, Alfonso Trincone. Massimo Ficuciello, Silvio Olla, Alessandro Carrisi, Emanuele Ferraro and Pietro Petrucci belonged to the army. Two civilian victims were also killed in the explosion: the cooperator Marco Beci, and the director Stefano Rolla, who was filming a documentary.
Mattarella: “Our thoughts go to those who gave their lives for Italy and for peace”
“On the Day of Remembrance of the Military and Civilian Fallen in International Peace Missions, our thoughts go to those who, animated by a profound sense of duty, dedication and courage, gave their lives for Italy and for the values of peace and international cooperation. Twenty-one years after the tragic attack in Nasiriyah, we renew the memory of the nineteen Italians who lost their lives in that horrible act of violence, together with the Iraqis who shared the same tragic fate, and with them, that of all fallen in international missions. Their deaths recall the value of commitment to building a more just world, free from the atrocities of war and the weight of oppression”. This is the message sent by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, to the Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto. “The return of large-scale conflicts and the growth of tensions that threaten collective security underline the role of international missions in building bridges of dialogue and stemming violence. The Italian Republic – the Head of State recalled – with its men and women engaged in the most troubled territories, offers a contribution of inestimable value to bring hope and peace among peoples. Women and men who offer an example of commitment and altruism, honoring fundamental values of our Constitution to those who work in crisis areas. they put their lives at risk in defense of peace and human rights, the country’s gratitude goes to the families of the Fallen, custodians of such a high sacrifice, I renew the closeness of the Italians”.
Meloni: “Italy does not forget”
“On the Day of Remembrance of the Military and Civilian Fallen in International Peace Missions, Italy pays homage to the 19 Italians who 21 years ago, on 12 November 2003, were killed in the Nassiriya massacre. A terrible attack that will always remain engraved in our mind”. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni wrote it on social media. “On this day of remembrance and emotion, our gratitude goes to those who sacrificed their lives in the fulfillment of their duty, together with the thanks of the entire Italian government, mine first and foremost, to the women and men of the Armed Forces who, engaged even in the most difficult areas, they work every day to build peace with dedication, a profound sense of humanity and love for their homeland. Italy does not forget.”

The Carabinieri headquarters in Nasiriyah after the attack, 12 November 2003 (Ansa/Carabinieri)
Fontana: “Honor to the courage of those who work for peace”
“Today we remember the attack in Nasiriyah and the 19 Italians who died for peace. I am close to their families, the Carabinieri and the Army. I honor the courage of those who work for security and peace. With gratitude and respect, I join the wounded and to the families of all those who fell in the Italian missions serving the international community”. The president of the chamber Lorenzo Fontana wrote it on social media.
Piantedosi: “Grateful to those who sacrificed their lives for the country”
“On the ‘Day of Remembrance of the Military and Civilian Fallen in International Peace Missions’ my heartfelt gratitude goes to all the Italians who sacrificed their lives in the service of our country and the international community, operating with valor and courage in complex theaters of crisis to defend peace and freedom: says the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi “Today we also commemorate our compatriots who, committed with honor and dedication to guarantee the safety of the population, twenty-one years ago became victims of the first tragic attack in Nassiriya, a city later hit by two other violent terrorist attacks, in 2004 and 2006. In remembering with gratitude the sacrifice of our fallen, I extend my sincere closeness to their families”, concluded the owner of the Interior Ministry.
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