
The two Cardinal brothers, Adrien and Kevin, received one year in prison. A sentence that they will carry out under an electronic bracelet. The facts date back to Friday March 15, in the early evening, on the RN31. Respectively aged 34 and 37, they appeared nine months after the events for violence followed by permanent disability. In this case, the loss of the use ofleft eye for the victim, following a beating, up to Trosly-Breuil. All this for one fishtail.
That day, Kevin was driving his Jaguar, with his son in the back, on the RN31, in the Compiègne-Trosly direction. He is followed by his brother Adrien, at the wheel of his own vehicle. Kevin overtakes a 4×4. The driver of this 4×4, noticing that the Jaguar which has overtaken him, is not going any faster, overtakes. “He gave me a fishtail,” said Kevin Cardinal.
A pursuit begins. The driver of the 4×4 said he rushed into a small street, but found himself trapped by the two brothers’ vehicles. “I was overtaken and then I overtook him,” he said. The Jaguar followed me. I tried to lose her but I found myself between two individuals. I was punched in the left eye before getting out of the vehicle. Then there’s the black hole.”
Found thanks to pizzas
The rest was a lady, a witness to the scene, who told the police during a call a little before 8 p.m. “A man was knocked to the ground by individuals,” she said. He was kicked and punched.” She became frightened when she saw one of the men approach her. “He’s coming closer to me,” she said to the police, whom she spoke to on the phone. It is Adrien, who politely apologizes to her for this inconvenience on the public highway.
The next day, the victim’s wife came to the police station for a “dispute between two drivers”. Her husband is in the hospital.
Impossible, despite the witnesses, to trace the perpetrators of this violence. Until a combination of circumstances. “Someone reported to the police that he heard the manager of a pizza kiosk say that he saw two people looking for pizzas on a Friday,” continues the president. The two customers with bloody hands. They seemed to be bragging about having settled a driver for a fishtail.”
The gendarmes use the video surveillance and note the arrival of this duo with bloody hands. Kevin Cardinal paid by credit card. This is how we go back to the two brothers. Kevin does own a red Jaguar.
“He overtook me when he didn’t have time”
In police custody, several months after the events, the two brothers spoke of “the dangerous driving of this person in the 4×4”. Kevin was the first to attack the careless driver. While Adrien admits to having delivered two kicks “like a penalty” to this person on the ground.
“I really want to apologize for this gesture,” said Kevin Cardinal straight away. There are circumstances, perhaps… but it’s inexcusable. I couldn’t keep calm. It’s the first time. This shouldn’t have happened. I was afraid for my child sitting in the back. I doubled decently. And I didn’t understand why he stuck with me. He overtook me when he didn’t have time. So much so that he made me a fish tail to fall back on.”
If he pursued it, it was “to discuss.” Many court cases start like this. “He slowed down, then restarted, before voluntarily steering the wheel again,” explains the suspect. The car got sideways. He reversed and crashed into my brother’s car which was behind.” “I didn’t go back,” assures the victim.
“I took my brother’s side”
“Why not call the police? the court is surprised. What do you think your son thought of the altercation? This could be violence in the presence of a minor.” According to the defendant, he saw nothing.
“Whatever the origin, nothing justifies violence, unless it is in self-defense,” the president reminds him. She recalls that he broke the car window with his elbow, before punching her. “It got into a fight… admits Kevin. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have done anything.”
His brother Adrien intervened later. “He and my brother went to the ground,” describes Adrien. I tried to take the shoe off of him. I don’t know why. Perhaps to immobilize him… He was hitting. I didn’t know how to react. I gave him a “little” kick. From then on, there was no more beating. It happened quickly. I followed. I made a very bad decision. I didn’t know how to react.” “I have no memory of having been hit,” continues the victim. I didn’t have time. And I don’t know what shot hit my eye.”
“If your brother is in bad shape, it’s because he attacked this person,” recalls the president. “I took the side of my brother, who was beaten,” he explains. “And if he attacked it, it’s because this gentleman defended himself,” insists the court. Besides, he was unconscious. And what did you expect from the dialogue? Do you really think that you were able to maintain peace of mind in these circumstances?”
The two brothers assure that they are not violent.
“We take no pride in it”
During their custody, the two brothers, well established professionally, seemed to consider that they were within their rights. “He got what he deserves, he is 100% guilty,” declared one. If there had been no violence, he would still have his eye.” One of the brothers filmed the victim, before leaving, to prove that he was not that injured. “It’s as if you understood that you had crossed the limit…” the president told them.
The court wonders if the position of the two defendants is not a posture. “Is there not a problem with virility, with toxic masculinity?” asks the president. Absolutely not, for the defendants. “In no case did we brag to the pizza seller,” assures Kevin. We take no pride in it. On the road, I usually behave normally.”
“You say you are terrified and then you go and order a pizza,” notes the prosecutor. That appeals…” “It’s a habit, after my son’s sport,” replies the driver of the Jaguar.
“The loss of the left eye is for life7
A heavy goods vehicle driver, he has no longer been allowed to practice his profession since the events. However, he can drive his car on short trips. He experiences constant headaches. “Psychologically, I’m pretty much okay, but I’m not sleeping well…” says the complainant, who can count on a core of friends to cheer him up.
His total incapacity for work evolved during the procedure. He underwent two operations, before an ophthalmologist’s certificate concluded that he had permanent visual disability. “Worried about his future, a few years before retirement, he has lost twelve kilos since March 15… recalls his lawyer. His infirmity is for life.”
Maître Florence Danne-Thiefine chokes when she hears the defendants use the term altercation. No, my client is the victim of an assault. On this RN31 towards Trosly-Breuil, a Jaguar overtakes my client’s twenty-year-old 4×4, then slows down. “I thought he was looking at his phone,” said my client, a road professional. He doubles it again and we arrive at the entrance to Trosly-Breuil. For him, it’s a non-event. Not for the Cardinal brothers…”
“The victim’s 4×4 covered in bloodstains”
“Stuck by the Jaguar, he got stuck in the alley,” continues Master Danne-Thiefine. He smashes my window. I take a hit and I’m stunned. One of the brothers said he hit it “like a penalty”. They wanted to “just chat”. Today, they appear contrite in court. During police custody, they said that he only got what he deserved, that he was even lucky to come across them… Words that are frightening. If my client had acted as they claimed, they would have injuries other than their hands. On the contrary, the 4×4 is studded with my client’s blood.”
Maître Danne-Thiefine requests an expert opinion to quantify the damage. She requests a provision of €5,000 and €1,500 in legal costs.
The prosecutor considers that the two brothers have equal responsibility
The prosecutor notes that these facts could have brought the defendants before a criminal court. “They leave the victim alone, in the street, so stunned that she does not remember the violence suffered. It’s a two-on-one attack on a victim on the ground. The vehicle was covered in bloodstains and the two brothers said they were scared. All this for a gratuitous act, a fish tail of which we have no proof. They have blood on their hands and it doesn’t stop their appetite. On the contrary, in front of the pizza kiosk, there is no questioning.”
Regardless of which of the two brothers is responsible for the blow that caused the disability, it requires the same sentence of three and a half years in prison, including two and a half years with probation. A sentence whose firm part can be fitted with an electronic bracelet. Combined with obligations of work, care, compensating the victim, a ban on contacting her and traveling to Trosly-Breuil, where she lives. It also requires the confiscation of the Jaguar.
“They are afraid but they question themselves”
Maître Jocelyne Ruffat defends Kevin Cardinal. “It was an attack of which he became aware,” she pleads. The presence of the victim at this hearing has a real impact on the defendants. They realize their actions.” How come this young man couldn’t manage his anger? “Fear,” she says, believing that the complainant’s zigzags may have a link with his presence at the village café the previous afternoon.
“He knows how to question himself,” insists Maître Ruffat. He knows he should have called the police. On the contrary, they took care of the victim. To whom they suggested calling for help, but she didn’t want to. They helped him get to the side of the road.”
“No intention of causing after-effects”
“My client is not a dangerous madman,” pleads Maître Jonathan Sorriaux. He is not known for acts of violence. This file goes from fear to amazement. The job of the court is to move beyond this stupor to judge. The fear is that felt by my client for dangerous driving on the part of the victim. He sees a car swerving into the car of his brother and his nephew… However, there is only one victim, and it is the driver of the 4×4.”
He considers Adrien as the follower. “He sees his brother on the ground and wants to protect him. At no time is there any intention to cause any after-effects. Anger took over control. I was shocked when I read my client’s statements in police custody. But we should not doubt his sincerity at the hearing. It’s not a posture. Justice has already begun to take its course.”
The two brothers apologized one last time, before receiving three years in prison, including two years suspended for two years. With the required obligations. They will benefit from an electronic bracelet. Kevin’s Jaguar is confiscated.
Jointly responsible, they must pay €1,000 in lawyer’s fees and €5,000 in advance, pending a medical assessment, before the hearing on civil interests on May 15.
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