
For several years, Charlotte Degry went far from home, far from her northern Isarian countryside. First in Paris, for her studies, where she was at the same time an assistant set designer for a theater. Then to Nice, where she worked for a high-end French furniture store for four to five years. But her thing is working with her hands.
Originally from Mureaumontin the north of Oise, Charlotte Degry comes from the agricultural world. “My grandparents were farmers, my parents are, and my brother will take overshe smiled. I have a connection with the earth and plants.» Having long been attracted to crafts, Charlotte wanted to combine her roots with her skills, design. And wanting to get closer to her homelands, she started freelancing as aartisan florist in the workshop. “When I was confined, in 2020, I came back to my parents, and by being in the vegetable garden, with the flowers, I was able to reconnect with all thatshe smiled. It seemed obvious to me.»
A home workshop, but no store
Initially, the 32-year-old hoped to find a store to set up shop. “When I went to the Songeons Christmas market last year, I realized that there was no longer a floristshe says. I carried out a market study with the CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry Editor’s note) of Beauvais to create a store there. Ultimately, the owner did not want to give me the premises. So I studied other boutique options in the area: Feuquières, Marseille-en-Beauvaisis, Gerberoy, Crillon, Gaillefontaine, Poix-de-Picardie… To finally launch my own business. Because I was starting to have opportunities, collaborations.”
For the moment, Charlotte Degry works in her small apartment in Formerie, or with her parents in Mureaumont when there is no space, or with her in-laws in Hautbos. And therefore works to order for individuals, businesses, institutions, wedding planners, retirement homes and even funeral directors. “I try as much as possible to work with local flowersshe specifies. And I’m starting to have my own production.»
Trained at the Château de Chenonceau
To move from design to floral crafts, Charlotte had to return to school, despite her bac +5. She first completed a year of work-study CAP at the national school of florists in Paris. “At my age, I was afraid of not being hiredshe confides. I had to make… 120 applications.» Finally, the young woman landed at a florist in the sixth arrondissement, in Paris. After one year of training, she wishes to continue in BP (professional certificate) for two years. “For my CAP work-study program, I wrote to the floral workshop of the Château de Chenonceau (Indre-et-Loire). I had seen a report on TV, they grow flowers in their garden for the arrangements. Unfortunately, they did not take CAP. But they called me back to do my work-study program in BP, they remembered me. It was an incredible opportunity, I was very lucky to work there.”
During her second year of training, Charlotte also had the honor of presenting the traditional bouquet of lily of the valley on May 1st to Brigitte Macron, the first lady of France, at the Élysée.
Present on Christmas markets
In June 2023, Charlotte obtained her BP, and in August her contract ended at the Château de Chenonceau. She then went to work in Fontainebleau, then in Amiens with a friend. Before returning to the Oise, at the end of last year, definitely. “I am in the process of finishing my websiteshe confides. I also work with the Villedieu flower farm in Haucourt, Normandy, which produces cut flowers. I also plan to develop the events side, trying to land a few weddings.»
Present at the Epeaux farm, in Omécourt, on November 29 and 30, the young woman will be there again on December 20 and 21 (and more if you like). It will also have a stand at the Aumale Christmas market (Seine-Maritime) on December 7 and 8, at the Roy-Boissy Christmas market on December 13, and at Songeons on December 14. She will organize a workshop to create a table centerpiece for Christmas at the Villedieu flower farm, in Haucourt (Seine-Maritime).
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