
Drone hunting is increasingly intense around the Beauvais Penitentiary Center (Oise), so much so that a radar has been installed to be able to locate them more easily. Drons being very often used to bring in prison prohibited objects, the police should support the prison supervisors in this hunt.
A new catch was made this Friday, February 7. On board a trivialized vehicle, during night surveillance, the police spotted a suspect Berlingo, parked not far from a projection place. Three individuals are arrested: Mahamadou Kebethe driver, Djahid Belhacenethe watchman, and Mady Niakatéthe drone pilot. All three are aged 19 to 24. In addition to the drone, potato nets, plastic bag, sponges, an iPhone and five SIM cards are found on board the vehicle.
“If I refuse, it’s a bloodbath”
Placed in police custody, Belhacene and Niakaté recognize the facts. Kebe denies. The three go into pre -trial detention, before being presented in immediate appearance this Monday, February 10 at the Beauvais court. Belhacene, first, reads a long letter to the president of the court to apologize. He admits to having made this trip because of a debt of 200 € which he has towards a person whose name he does not want to disclose, for fear of reprisals. “”I thought a lot of detention, it is really not for me all that“, He said. Niakaté, meanwhile, had a debt of € 1,200 towards this same person, whose identity he will not disclose for the same reasons either. “”One race for € 200, the other for € 1,200, when are you going to stop telling stories», Annoys Hakima Taleb, the president of the court.
Finally, Kebe finally admits. “”I denied because I was afraid of what was going to happen laterhe mumbles, head down in the defendants’ box. I recognize being the driver of the vehicle. It was the car of the company where I work. I recovered the other two at Bobigny and at Montfermeil Before going up to Beauvais. At first I didn’t want to, I am not in that basic. I work, I make delivery in Île-de-France, I am a nice honest worker … But I was asked to do so. If I refuse, it’s a bloodbath. And where I live, everyone knows me for my kindness, I never say no ... “
Kebe, the elder of the three, had only one mention on his criminal record before this case. That of Niakaté was a virgin. “”Look at your locker, it was beautiful before“Says the president for him, showing her a white leaf. Belhacene, meanwhile, had two mentions.
Suspended prison, confiscated seals and ban on appearing in Beauvais
For Pauline Sabot, substitute for the prosecutor, this case could have taken place in appearance on prior recognition of guilt if the three had admitted immediately with coherent declarations. Which was far from being the case here. The three would only have received a ban on appearing in Beauvais. There, the prosecution demands eight months suspended prison sentence for niakaté, the same for Kebe in addition to a ban on driving a vehicle for six months, and eight months in prison with a two -year suspended suspended sentence for Belhacene. In addition to a ban on appearing in Beauvais for the three for three years, and the confiscation of seals.
For the defense, a sentence of general interests seems sufficient. And the confiscation of seals brings them a new debt that they will have to pay.
The court finally decided to condemn Mahamadou Kebe to a sentence of six months suspended prison sentence, Djahid Belhacene to an eight -month prison sentence with a probationary of 18 months and an obligation of work or training, and finally Mady Niakaté Speed four months in suspended prison sentence. The three will prohibit going to Beauvais for three years. And the seals are all confiscated.
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