
“We want erase myself from official history», considers the MP Frédéric-Pierre Vos. Elected in the 5th constituency of Oise, the RN deputy believes that not all mayors play the game of democracy. “I noticed the existence of a little game against me, which consists of not inviting me to the ceremonies,” he says. And when I’m invited, I’m made to speak when it’s not planned. Just to embarrass myself.” From now on, those who practice the profession anticipate.
He recently posted a video on Facebook in which he indicated that he had not been invited to the Cuise-la-Motte greeting ceremony. A video which has accumulated more than 100,000 views, according to the author. In the process, Renaud Bourgeois, the mayor of Cuise-la-Motte, filed a complaint for death threats on social networks.
“If he filed a complaint, it is not against me,” says RN deputy Frédéric-Pierre Vos. I don’t incite hatred.” The RN deputy asks that “local elected officials respect the results of the ballot boxes, by not erasing them”.
“I was not invited to Cuise-la-Motte’s wishes,” he persists. My colleague called the town hall, but the person he spoke to refused to tell him where and when the ceremony was taking place.” He has the impression that there are instructions against him. What the mayor of Cuise denied.
“They want to save soldier Vatin”
“On the other hand, the former LR deputy Pierre Vatin was present,” assures his successor. Everything seems to be done to benefit him in this constituency. Sometimes there are legislative elections in June…” Former MP Pierre Vatin confirms his presence in Cuise-la-Motte. “I go to the greeting ceremonies of the communes of the constituency,” he said. As I have been doing since 2018.”
MP Frédéric-Pierre Vos is surprised by the fact that some mayors call Pierre Vatin “mister honorary deputy”. “You must have been ten years old, have exercised responsibilities within the Hemicycle, have completed a file and this is not your case…” verified the RN deputy. Contacted on this subject, Pierre Vatin responds: “The people I meet call me whatever they want, I didn’t ask for anything. People continue to call me “Mr. Deputy” even though I am no longer that. There is a confusion which consists of thinking that the honorary system concerns elected officials who no longer have the mandate they exercised.
The RN deputy emphasizes that this incident in Cuise-la-Motte unblocked the situation. “I get invitations now…” he says. The parliamentarian will invite all the mayors of his constituency to his greeting ceremony, scheduled for Wednesday January 29 in Crépy-en-Valois.
“I put the revolution in the constituency,” concludes RN deputy Frédéric-Pierre Vos. While waiting to look into the case of the city of Compiègne where he could put together a list in 2026.
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