
For some time now, the banks of the Poura river that crosses the Noyonnaishurt to see. Especially on the side of the lock of Sempigny where the river seems completely polluted of plastics. We observe in particular an impressive quantity of plastic bottles and waste Various discussions undoubtedly upstream by undeniable people. Polluting waste is task and does not make you want to walk along the banks.
The cause is the incivility of some
“First of all, we regret that incivility dictates the rhythm of disbursement of public money,” says Jean-Michel Cornet, the director of Entente Oise-Aisne, the union which watches over our rivers. Some castigate public inaction while the cause is the incivility of some. The canal creates a permanent obstacle to the flow of the pay. It is the responsibility of the manager of the work to proceed with the removal of the floating blocked by the structure, in particular the fallen trees. He does it periodically. However, the quality of the environments is affected, the parties concerned – French waterways (VNF) and theOise-Aisne– will get closer to try to improve the situation. “
The book is an aqueduct
In the meantime, it is apparently to VNF that the cleaning of the lock is cleaned … “”Vnf However, informed us of its unavailability to intervene knowing that the floatants blocked in their work are their responsibility, specifies Jean-Michel Cornet. In addition, the work is an aqueduct (in the decline, the work is not in charge and the floaties pass) and at the decline, the whole of the plastic pollution will go to the Oise. Faced with this perspective, my colleagues intervened urgently and proceeded to the removal of all the floors polluting accessible. “
It only remains to hope that those who “have fun” to throw plastics in rivers find another way to let off steam. Even if during episodes of strong precipitation as we have known in recent weeks and months, the waste has been driven by wind and rain, to end in rivers, and accumulate at the first obstacle, like that What is the Sempigny lock…
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