
Officially, the ceremony of wishes from the mayor of Senlis, Pascale Loiseleurwill take place on Thursday, January 9, at 7:00 p.m., at the riding school in the Ordener district. But the political platform of the majority group, in the municipal bulletin currently being distributed, already gives a foretaste of what the mayor of Senlis will say to her guests on January 9.
The title of this column sets the tone: “Act on a daily basis for Senlis residents and for their future.” Honestly, that’s not a headline for an op-ed, it’s a campaign slogan. It is true that the rules in force will not allow Pascale Loiseleur to highlight her action during the 2026 wishes ceremony. So, the time has come to get on with it!
Proximity and solidarity
“The action of our team is based on two fundamental values: proximity and solidarity”, attack the authors of this famous forum which then emphasizes “the multiple actions” carried out “in the service of both young Senlisiens and elders. City officials are obviously not forgotten. “Overall, municipal services work to improve the city’s living environment and infrastructure every day,” we can read on page 38.
“We have thus put in place multi-year plans for roads, green spaces, renovations of educational establishments,” continue the authors of the article. We are as close as possible to the needs and requests of residents because we organize events throughout the year. wanderings in all neighborhoods and public meetings also dedicated to each sector of the city. We will also resume these during the 1st quarter of 2025: these moments of exchange are very important because they make it possible to raise questions and grievances, to guarantee the efficiency of municipal action as well as its responsiveness, and to inform residents of the progress of the projects.”
Professionals and local residents consulted
The objective of the majority in place would be twofold: it is, according to the signatories of this forum, “to preserve a high quality of life for Senlis residents and give them ambitious future prospects.” This is how work began on the future multimodal exchange hub and the annexes to the old station. “After consultation with professionals and local residents, the conditions will be met to ensure smooth traffic and to interfere as little as possible with everyone’s daily life,” promises the municipal majority. In this same state of mind, we regularly intervene to maintain our rich heritage, notably the cathedral, while developing the Journey to the Times of the First Kings of France. Work on this historic and immersive tour will soon begin, within the Vènerie cellar.”
Safety remains a priority
But Pascale Loiseleur and her team would have another crucial priority: the safety of Senlis residents. “Also, we are constantly strengthening video protection,” they say. In 2025, around a hundred cameras will cover the town. We are also carrying out more targeted actions, in coordination with the police and the Senlis Public Prosecutor’s Office. Indeed, due to the increase in burglaries in 2023, committed by young people, we immediately reacted by contacting the public prosecutor, who had set up the Local Delinquency Treatment Group (GLTD), dedicated to juvenile delinquency, in conjunction with the municipal police, the gendarmerie, national education and social landlords. We have seen a clear drop in delinquency in the town, which is reflected in a 25% reduction in property crimes, including 53 fewer burglaries compared to 2023, a reduction of 58%. We have also achieved a 32% reduction in behavior affecting public peace (attacks on property and intentional damage, dangerous or annoying behavior, urban violence). Numerous operational measures were deployed in December 2023, then in January, April and during the summer of 2024, including a reinforced presence of the municipal police and the gendarmerie on public roads. For example, between December 1, 2023 and August 31, 2024, the gendarmes provided 2,700 additional hours of patrol in Senlis compared to the same period the previous year.
All that’s missing is the real estate projects.
This presence was supplemented, throughout the year, by numerous large-scale control operations in Senlis neighborhoods, on public transport, as well as in and around educational establishments. “In addition, we will meet in January the Intercommunal Security and Crime Prevention Council (CISPD), which brings together elected officials from the Senlis Sud Oise community of communes and representatives of the police, in order to ensure the continuity of our action in terms of security.”
Frankly, everything has been said. All that is missing is a point on the real estate programs, some details on the new parking rules, the development of deserving Senlis residents, and the announcement of the candidacy of Pascale Loiseleur for the 2026 municipal elections and the speech of wishes, version 2025, will be completely completed!
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