
More than a thousand runners dressed in Santa Claus took the start of the race animated by the Kiwanis club Compiègne Les PicantinsSaturday December 14. The initiative was from Alain Brekiesz, member of the service club. “The registration fee of €5 went to the Cosplay Hôpital association,” explains Mathieu Kolodjezyk, current president.
Sandra Caro, costumed as Wanda the Red Witch, treasurer, explains the vocation of Cosplay Hopital. “We operate in different hospital departments in Compiègne, Creil, Beauvais, mainly in pediatrics where we offer shows for hospitalized children, and various activities: makeup, popcorn, cotton candy. We are participating in making adjustments within these services.”
€5,500 raised
The vocation of the Kiwanis of Compiègne is precisely to help children who are sick or in difficulty, confides Mathieu Kolodjezyk.
At the appointed time, marked by the eleven strikes of the Picantins clock from the town hall, Philippe Marini gave the start.
The 5km circuit traced from the center of Compiègne took the direction of Pont Neuf to reach the town of Venette. Where Mayor Romuald Seels opened the road on the handlebars of his motorcycle. The runners, with a group of walkers, headed towards the Christmas village of Margny-lés-Compiègne.
This is where the members of the Compiégnois Kiwanis presented a check for €5,500 to the Cosplay Hopital association. Concrete proof of the solidarity of athletes towards hospitalized children.
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