
In office since September 21, Guillaume Kasbarian, Minister of the Civil Service, Simplification and Transformation of Public Action, is already worrying the unions. So much so that the inter-union has decided to demonstrate this Thursday, December 5. In Oise, the gathering will take place has Beauvaisin front of the prefectureat 2 p.m. And leaflets will be distributed from 7 a.m. in Catenoy And in Beauvais, at the A16 and RN31 roundabout.
“Once again, he wants to sanction the three sides (of the civil service: State, territorial and hospital Editor’s note), breathes Johan Pernier, CGT departmental coordinator of the territorial civil service. We are mobilizing against the three days of waiting in the civil service, instead of one, the increase in remuneration to 90% of the salary during sick leave, and the non-payment of GIPA (individual guarantee of purchasing power Editor’s note).”
Created in 2008 under Nicolas Sarkozy, GIPA allows civil servants who have not seen an increase in their salary for four years to benefit from a guarantee which catches up with inflation. And so not to be a loser. Except that the Minister of the Civil Service would like to put an end to it, this year. “It concerns all categoriesspecifies Fabrice Ogasenoff, CGT general secretary of the Isarian hospital center in Clermont. Including categories C, therefore the lowest salaries. It’s scandalous.»
Sick leave targeted by the minister
Sick leave would also be targeted by the new Minister Kasbarian, with the increase from one to three waiting days for civil servants, as well as the reduction in compensation for days of sick leave. “This suggests that doctors give sick leave like that, without thinking», complains Pierre Ripart, departmental secretary FSU (unitary union federation). “In the hospital civil service, four out of ten agents do not complete their careersadds Fabrice Ogasenoff. We’re going to add that to them again. Staff numbers are falling, agents cannot do everyone’s work, it’s normal that they break down.» «At the Clermont hospital, five out of twelve nurses are missing, there are inevitably physical and psychological problems after a while», Supports Lucie Morel, CGT assistant secretary at the CHI of Clermont.
Met this Monday, December 2 at the Beauvais union house, the members of the inter-union are worried about this future attack on the public service. “By attacking us, the government is attacking the public servicelaments Pierre Ripart. And it is the users who will pay.»
According to them, the strike this Thursday, December 5 will be well followed in Oise. “Of the 860 schools in the department, 300 responded to us, and there are 70% of strikers.», Indicates Pierre Ripart. Many services should be closed. And the mobilization could extend to next week, from December 10 to 12.
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