
This Wednesday, January 8, the Oise is placed on orange vigilance snow And black ice. After a nice rainy episode and a drop in temperatures, the first snowflakes appeared in the north-west of the department at the start of the afternoon.
There traffic East difficult on the side of Formery, Feuquières, Marseille-en-Beauvaisis, Grandvilliers, Crèvecoeur-le-Grand or even Breteuilbut also on the A16 motorway. Salt spreaders are active on many roads.

Speed lowered until Wednesday 3 p.m.
Until tomorrow 3 p.m., it is advisable to drive very carefully. The prefect of the Hauts-de-France region has also decided to lower the maximum speeds during this period of orange vigilance. “The speed of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of less than 3.5 tonnes is limited to 110 km/h on motorway sections normally limited to 130 km/h, and to 90 km/h on motorway sections. and national roads normally limited to 110 km/hindicates the prefecture. Overtaking maneuvers are prohibited and the maximum authorized speed is limited to 80 km/h for motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight (GVWR) greater than 3.5 tonnes, on all national roads and motorways..”
The prefecture also reminds that it is prohibited to pass a salt spreader or a snow plow in action.
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