“Starting, as you know, from the proposal of the plan presented by Mario Draghi, another Italian who was tasked with identifying the priorities for the next few years of the EU, there are many challenges. I am absolutely convinced that Europe and therefore also Italy must be able to guarantee greater independence for themselves, also by investing more in Defense. Clearly we need the tools to be able to do this” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni told reporters in Budapest, defining this morning’s debate on competitiveness as “important”. at the top EU.
“This is a great debate that concerns the Stability Pact, which Italy has posed: there are some openings in the new Pact but much more needs to be done and I think it is another of those debates that will need to be reopened. Beyond the will – he added – then there is what can be done and the resources must be identified in some way. The only thing I am not willing to do is take it out on the Italian citizens, the workers. We spend the resources on real priorities , let’s not throw money out the window and therefore, regarding strategic choices that I agree with, we must also say how to help member states find the resources”.
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