
Nearly 130 people attended this Wednesday, November 27, Crépy-en-Valoisto the debate on the health organized by the citizens’ association for health centers in the Country of Valois. “The crowds and public attention show that this issue remains a persistent concern,” say the organizers.
Since the first debate of June 25, 2018 and the threat of closure of the Medical home from Crépy-en-Valois, a long way has been covered. “First of all: the opening of the Valois Health Center in 2021 on the site of the former Medical Center, located at 20 avenue de Senlisthen the opening of an antenna to Betz», recalls the citizens’ association.
The Pays de Valois has taken on health competence
And in this fall of 2024, the decisions taken by the Community of Communes of Pays de Valois (CCPV), were explained by Didier Doucetits president. “The community is engaging with the Regional Health Agency (ARS), in a process that should lead to a Local Health Contract throughout the territory, he reveals. This will be equipped with an action plan on priority areas of public health. On the other hand, a modification of the statutes was voted in order to broaden the scope of social action of the CCPV to areas of health. This will provide financial assistance, for work or purchases of equipment, to coordinated care structures such as nursing homes or health centers.” This is rather good news for the Valois Health Center which, among other things, “is seeking to finance its elevator project in order to improve accessibility.”
The Center is looking for a nurse
The Center has reduced the medical desert with the recruitment of new doctors, but the current influx (4,300 consultations in 2023) exceeds its capacity. It is not authorized to receive emergencies, you have to go through 15. Thanks to the efforts of the volunteers who manage it and its staff, new doctors should arrive in 2025.
The Center is seeking an advanced practice nurse to assist physicians. It is a constant fight to ensure access to care for all.
Contact: centresantevaloisasso@gmail.com
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