The Control Room for the valorisation and disposal of public real estate assets was established on 7 November 2024 by the Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti and the Undersecretary of the Mef Lucia Albano which will collaborate with Palazzo Chigi, the various ministries involved as well as with public bodies, agencies, individuals and companies with a subsequent phase of listening to the private sector as well.
Among the authorities present, among others, the Secretary General of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Carlo Deodatothe Councilor for Social Policies Francesco Nicola Maria Petricone and the Adviser for Budget Policies Renato Loiero.
The General Director was present for the Control Room structure Luigi Spampinato together with the relevant staff, experts and the Knight Grand Cross Paolo Crisafi.
“Efficient management of public assets represents a very important activity, in particular in the context of the new European budget rules and the achievement of the budget adjustment that the Government has committed to achieving in the coming years with the Structural Budget Plan medium term”, this is how the Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti opened the first meeting of the control room for the valorisation and disposal of public real estate assets established today at the Mef. The activity of the control room, coordinated by undersecretary Lucia Albano, “is part of the responsible and prudent approach adopted so far by the Government in the management of public finances” explained the minister. “The effectiveness of these actions requires the support and collaboration of all the actors involved, also to encourage the involvement of the private sector. the efficiency and sustainability of public policies represent essential factors for economic and social stability, especially in an uncertain and changing global context characterized by significant future challenges”.
“It is the first time that a Government opens the way to the national management of all public real estate assets – states Undersecretary Albano – A legislative Government has the duty to plan, to carry forward a medium-long term vision, seriously thinking about the development and the future of the Nation, according to a logic that is not fragmentary or made up of spot interventions, but unitary and systemic”.
“We will start from the data – explains Albano -. We want to enable citizens to know where public property is located and how it is used. Together with the Ministry offices we are reflecting on solutions and methods that are dynamic, for the benefit of everyone. For this reason, in the recently approved Omnibus decree, we have included a rule that allows the property database managed centrally by the Mef to interact with the databases held by other PAs. In this vision, the valorisation of public real estate assets takes on an economic-patrimonial and above all social significance. Efficient use of public resources is good for budgets, attracts investments, promotes urban regeneration and the involvement, in a subsidiary role, of the third sector and all social realities, including the social component of the for-profit enterprise”.
Paolo Crisafi President of Remind National Association of the Real Estate Sector extended to the productive sectors commented as follows: “The action of the Government and of the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in the field of real estate industrial policies marks an important turning point, responding to a need felt for decades: the valorisation and disposal of public real estate assets according to global best practices, taking into account the particularities and excellences of the Italian context. This asset, which includes unused or partially used properties, represents a strategic opportunity to generate value, contribute to the reduction of public debt and, in parallel, support sustainable economic development through targeted investments especially in favor of the weakest groups”.
“The establishment of this control room – continued Crisafi – allows us to compare experiences and skills in order to regenerate the public real estate heritage according to the principles of economic efficiency, environmental protection, cultural adequacy and social inclusion sanctioned by the United Nations. In this action it is essential to focus on the well-being of people in the places where they live, work and transit, promoting the safety and ‘sustainability’ of territories and cities thanks also to the use of innovative technologies.
The adoption of innovative policies for the regeneration and recovery of public real estate assets can offer the opportunity to renovate and enhance spaces, transforming them into livable and functional places, as well as responding to the social needs of the community. Furthermore, no less important is the issue relating to energy efficiency and reduction of its emissions.
The redevelopment and tidying up of public real estate can also produce effects in terms of urban safety understood as a public good that pertains to the livability and decorum of cities, to be pursued also through redevelopment and recovery interventions of the most degraded areas or sites , also through the elimination of factors of marginality and social exclusion, the prevention of crime, in particular of a predatory type. The so-called ‘Caivano’ case is in this direction, a virtuous example that can always be improved.
However, it is necessary to take into account the specificity of the Italian heritage, and in particular the ownership structure, as well as the numerous interventions and measures that have affected the processes relating to the regeneration, recovery and redevelopment of the heritage in Italy, which often have not reached the expected results due to the difficulty of the owner administrations in undertaking complex administrative processes”.
“The joint commitment – concluded the President of Remind – of the Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti and of the Undersecretary Lucia Albano together with the main ministries and actors of public real estate ensures a solid and coordinated approach to guide this phase of change , in line with the sustainability and economic development objectives carried out by the Meloni Government together with the Vice Presidents Matteo Salvini And Antonio Tajani. In particular, the contribution of the MEF Deputy Minister Maurizio Leo it is essential to address the fiscal challenges affecting the public and private real estate sectors. The impact of this initiative goes beyond the simple enhancement of public assets: it is destined to have a positive impact on the entire extended real estate sector, made up of real estate, infrastructure and mobility, which represents a fundamental pillar of the national economy”.
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