
“We named our car “The Phoenix Picard“, just like our association”, announce Arthur Wintrebert And Vincent Richetboth 26 years old. They have the enthusiasm of their youth and a taste for adventure, the ideal combination to embark on the next edition of the 4L Trophy. They will be on board a Renault 4 GTL of 1978. Departure takes place on February 13, 2025.
“I really like old cars, mechanics and adventure,” says Vincent. So, it made sense for me to take on this challenge.” For his friend Arthur, the motivation goes back further in time. “As I accompanied my parents to the supermarket, there was a stand in the shopping arcade, with sand to imitate the desert, a palm tree and a car,” he describes. It was a 4L equipped with additional headlights and fuel cans. It immediately excited me and I wanted to experience it “for real”.”
This rally-raid intended for young people can only be carried out aboard a Renault 4L, in a solidarity approach. The goal is to provide humanitarian aid to children in the desert. Furthermore, crossing these vast expanses via 6000 km of road and sand track, from France to Morocco, is a real challenge. Both in terms of crew organization and mechanics. The spirit of competition fades in favor of mutual aid between participants.
“The 4L Trophy is a legendary event that we must accomplish,” summarize Arthur and Vincent. At the same time, we want to support the children of the Moroccan desert, so that they can benefit from better access to education.”
School materials and food for villagers in the Moroccan desert
They will transport in their 4L “Phoenix Picard” 20kg of school materials and 30kg of food, for the benefit of the inhabitants of the village of Merzouga. Competitors will first have to cross Spain then make a loop in Moroccan territory before concluding the journey in Marrakech.
These fans of adventure and “vintage” cars must close the budget for their project. They have found partners but are still looking for them. “We hope to raise a total of €10,000,” says Arthur. We already sell “goodies” on stands at various trade shows and exhibitions. We received help from a garage as well as camping equipment to ensure our accommodation at the stages.” They have a website.
“There are several ways to help us,” concludes Vincent. Or by purchasing a space on our car with the logo of a company that we will affix for a year. Either by providing us with tools and spare parts for the 4L. It is also possible to give us school supplies, sports accessories or food.”
Contact: Phénix Picard. Arthur Wintrebert Vincent Richet
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