
The 32-year-old man who was in police custody following shootings mortars fireworks occurred on the night of January 7 to 8, at Nanteuil-le-Haudouinwas incarcerated this Friday, January 10. Jean-Eudes Siracus was in fact sentenced to 20 months’ imprisonment, including 8 months suspended by the Senlis Criminal Court. He was immediately incarcerated.
An investigation of flagrance for aggravated violence had been entrusted to the Senlis gendarmerie company. The fireworks mortar shots were aimed at the home of a couple of police officers residing in the town. The investigations carried out by the gendarmes quickly made it possible to identify and arrest the author of the mortar fire and the alleged instigator of this attack.
Tried during an immediate appearance
Jean-Eudes Siracus was referred to the Senlis public prosecutor’s office this Friday, January 10 at midday. Then he was tried according to the immediate appearance procedure for intentional violence against officials of the national police with use of a weapon as a repeat offender. He was found guilty. “However, the criminal court considered that it did not know that the victims were police officers and it ruled out this aggravating circumstance,” specifies Loïc Abrial, the public prosecutor of Senlis.
In addition to this prison sentence, he is banned from appearing in the town of Nanteuil-le-Haudouin and banned from coming into contact with the victims. He is also prohibited from possessing or carrying a weapon.
The minor is still in police custody
The prosecution had requested against Jean-Eudes Siracus, during this immediate appearance hearing, 5 years of imprisonment including 2 years suspended probation, with a committal warrant.
Concerning the 15-year-old minor, suspected of being an instigator of this attack, his police custody was extended by the Meaux public prosecutor’s office, which has jurisdiction due to the domicile of the person concerned. The decision will be taken later by the Meaux prosecutor regarding possible prosecutions against this minor.
Some of the most repressive penal guidelines
The Senlis public prosecutor recalls that offenses committed against persons holding public authority or charged with a public service mission give rise to systematic investigations and criminal referrals among the most repressive provided for by law. .
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