“THE firefighters were deliberately targeted by mortar fire.” Eric de Valroger, president of the Oise firefighters, denounces an act of “extreme seriousness”.
On the night of Thursday December 12 to Friday December 13, square Mermoz has Compiègnethe crew of the ton pump van from the Compiègne emergency center intervened to extinguish a fire affecting two vehicles on the public highway. Precisely between the Marie-Louise and Marie-Caroline residences.
“Despite an immediate withdrawal maneuver, projectiles hit the crew and their machine,” continues the president of Sdis (departmental fire and rescue service) of Oise. A firefighter was slightly injured and transported for treatment. Fortunately, his condition did not require hospitalization.”
“A direct attack on our security”
“We firmly condemn this intolerable and unacceptable act,” indicates Eric de Valroger, also deputy security officer for the city of Compiègne. These attacks targeting our firefighters are a direct attack on our collective security and the values of firefighters.”
In the article that Oise Hebdo devoted to this fire, versions differed between residents. The owner of one of the two cars said that the firefighters had to withdraw. While another resident, who filmed the scene, explained that the firefighters had not been able to approach. So the victim of the car fire was right. So these vehicle lights look like an ambush.