
2024 was not, in terms of quantity, a great year for honey. But amateur beekeepers Bees of Noyonnais despite everything, put some aside for good works. This week, Christian Pontopidan, president, and the members of the association received around ten volunteers from the Noyon Social Grocery to give them around sixty jars of the precious honey collected this summer.
A tradition since the first harvest
“It’s a tradition that we put in place from the first harvest, so this is the fourth time that we have given pots to the social grocery store which will obviously redistribute them to its users,” reports Pascal Decarsin, treasurer of the association. Sixty 125 gram jars of honey with mainly lime notes, and harvested at Mont-Saint-Siméon from the association’s apiaries, and also everywhere from the association’s partners who host beehives.
The world of bees revealed
The president of the Noyon Social Grocery Jean-Michel Jouvallier and his team of volunteers took advantage of their visit to the association’s premises, rue des Deux Bornes, to learn about the functioning of a hive, the work of the association and deliver some secrets about bees. They were also presented with derived products, namely honey vinegar, wax, etc. “But we are dry, everything is gone,” says the treasurer. However, they were able to enjoy local gingerbread, made with local honey and prepared by one of the members of the Abeilles du Noyonnais, Pierre Vaurs.
On the news side, despite the winter, beekeepers hardly rest. The previous week, they planted around ten pear trees endemic to Hauts-de-France in order to give the bees of Mont-Saint-Siméon something to eat in the years to come. They also offered an activity at the Goëlands school, before, next week, introducing the world of bees to employees of Aximum in the industrial zone, a partner company hosting two hives.
Finally, the association will close its year with its general meeting at the start of the year, Wednesday January 29, 2025.
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