
Heritage, migratory corridor of the white stork… In his report of December 19, 2024 made public on January 18, 2025, Jean-Marc Le Gouellec, investigating commissioner, issues a unfavorable opinion to the project of eight wind turbines in Ambleny and Pernant. About six kilometers from Soissons, on the RN31, direction Compiègne.
Jean-Marc Le Gouellec justifies his unfavorable opinion. “The characteristic landscapes and rich historical heritage that local authorities strive to enhance deserve to be preserved. And the impact that the establishment of the park would cause risks threatening the tourist development of the region. »
He indicates that this park would be located right in a major axis for large gliders and waders, particularly for the white stork. This project could thwart “a clearly identified migratory corridor”.
The project and the opinion of the environmental authority
This project by the company Elements includes eight wind turbines with a maximum height of 180 meters at the end of the blade. And two delivery stations.
The project is located 644 meters from the first homes. Precisely on an agricultural plateau, between the valleys of the Ru du Retz and the Pernant stream, about six kilometers from Soissons. “On a travel route of national importance for birds and close (less than 700m) to the Ambleny underground cavity, identified as a site of national importance for bats”.
The environmental authority recommended studying the impact of the project on the current classification projects: the Butte Chalmont, the surroundings of the Château de Coucy and the Chemin des Dames. And to complete the photomontages concerning the heritage elements, by choosing points of view allowing the real impact of the project to be appreciated “without minimizing it”. Contrary to a well-established habit among wind developers.
RN deputy José Beaurain gets involved
After the known decision of the investigating commissioner, the RN deputy for Soissons José Beaurain expressed his satisfaction. “In an open letter, I took a position against this project and called on the population to make their voice heard during the public inquiry,” he recalls. Residents’ fears regarding the impact of this project on local biodiversity have been heard.”
“I expressed my concerns regarding the potential impacts on the natural landscape of Soissonnais, on local biodiversity and on the quality of life of residents. Particularly due to the noise pollution generated by wind turbines. The unfavorable opinion of the investigating commissioner demonstrates the relevance of the arguments raised during the public consultations. I would like to salute the active mobilization of the population, who knew how to make their voices heard.”
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