
Operation discovery of municipal police equipment. During the municipal council of Saint-Just-en-Chaussée, Friday November 29, the municipal police opened the meeting. She took a few minutes to show elected officials the equipment recently acquired for her missions. Namely four body-worn cameras and a motion meter.
“I made this decision because of the excessive speed of several vehicles entering the city,” explains Mayor Bernard Dubouil. “Some arrive at 120 km/hour. Motorcycles, sometimes, at 144 km/hour.”
7,000 euros to calculate the speed
Hence the usefulness of the speedometer. Its laser makes it possible to calculate the speed of a vehicle. This, up to 700 meters from said machine.
In the event of a check, “at strategic points”, specifies the municipal police, they will note the offense and transmit it to the gendarmerie. “We are going to be tolerant, but it remains a fine,” announces the agent present at the council. Apart from exceptional cases of excessive speed and endangerment, the Saint-Just municipal police do not have an interception mission.
Cost of the cinema meter for the community: 7,000 euros.
As for the cameras, these will make it possible to immortalize interactions with offenders. “We sometimes deal with people who are increasingly… vindictive,” explains the municipal police of Saint-Just-en-Chaussée.
These devices replace those that the city already had. The municipality had to do this, because unfortunately the old cameras were not approved. And therefore not exploitable in court.
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