
After the favorable opinion of investigating commissionerthe dreaded decision – for the opponents of the project – fell. THE prefect of the Oishe has just granted the building permit for the Agri-Voltaic farm Located on horseback in the municipalities of Rosières and Versigny. This decision, going against the remarks brought by the inhabitants during thepublic inquirymade a lot of noise in the sector.
The collective of citizens committed to the defense of Valoisconstituted to oppose this project, considers that this decision was taken “in defiance of the local residents, the environment and the heritage of Rosières and Versigny”. This decision raises lively local opposition due to its environmental, landscaping and heritage impacts.
Opponents consider themselves ignored
“An imposed project, ignored votes, an agricultural world denied despite the many alerts and disputes raised by residents, environmental protection associations and local elected officials,” adds the association which sees it “a denial of democracy And more proof of the lack of consideration of citizen concerns by the authorities ”.
Beyond environmental and heritage consequences, this project also raises questions about the future of agricultural world. For some citizens, the multiplication of this type of agro-industrial projects is likely to tarnish the image of farmers and to arouse a feeling of distrust, even disgust, towards the profession. And this is already the case for some residents of this project.
The mayor is spokesperson
Guy-Pierre de Kersaint, the mayor of Versigny did not fail to go up to the niche during the Journal de la Mi-Journée de France 2, this Thursday, February 13. “The project, as it is designed, comes to question the whole landscape of the Valois, we are in the process of screwing it up,” groans the first magistrate of the town whose municipal council was firmly opposed to the project.
Less unanimity in Rosières, on the other hand, in a municipal council, some of which are stakeholders from the Agri-Voltaic power station. This aspect of the backrest did not fail to react a collective denouncing conflicts of interest.
One thing is certain, despite the building permit granted by the prefect, the opponents did not say their last word and the construction of the agri-verteic farm of 50 hectares may experience some adventures.
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