
A news trial shop is ready to open in Oise. This system, which allows project leaders to launch their store with administrative and financial advantages, is one of the solutions for municipalities that are struggling to find buyers for vacant commercial premises. This time it is Rochy-Conde that premises are available.
At the corner of the central square where the bakery is already located, a 63 m2 premises awaits its new tenant. To get started, you must complete an application form available on this link. SA HLM de l’Oise, owner of the commercial unit, has agreed to receive a reduced rent (€693) for a renewable period of six months. “In general we are more around €15 per m2 and here we are at €11 per m2», Specifies Pascal Thueux, director of residents and territories of the social landlord.
Suitable for a liberal profession, but open to projects
“I think it’s good, because it’s true that we have difficulty finding applicants», Reacts Robert Truptil, the mayor of Rochy-Condé. He already has his own idea of the ideal business in this location. “We had ideas like there’s a nurse’s office right there, it works well. A physiotherapist perhaps, that would be good with another healthcare profession, a podiatrist or something…»
Vanessa Foulon, responsible for the My boutique trial in the region, also has her suggestions. “We had thought of a micro-crècheshe said. Because it works well, there is demand. But if someone has a great idea, we don’t close down“, she warns. The only rule is that it does not create competition with other businesses already established around it.
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