“The protection of health and safety in the workplace is an essential priority that brings us all back to the provisions of articles 232 and 41 of the Constitution, which affirm the absolute and unconditional principle of the protection of the human person in his psychophysical integrity and which they represent the references for the commitment that we all make towards the protection of the health and safety of those who work”. This was said by the Minister of Labour, Marina Calderone, at the States General of Health and Safety at Work taking place from 29 to 31 October in the Chamber of Deputies in the presence of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. “Safety conditions that preserve the dignity and protect the integrity of workers are our duty, because safety at work is an essential dimension of that solidarity that unites us, but it is also an interest of the community. Every accident affects the entire society, it is a wound that affects the person together with their families, colleagues and the entire social fabric”, added the minister. Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Labor and Social Rights, also spoke at the States General underway in the Chamber and defined workplace safety as a “crucial issue in Italy and Europe”. Effective compliance with the objective of safety at work, continued the European Commissioner, “requires the common commitment of the European institutions, national and local authorities, entrepreneurs and, more generally, the social partners”. Schmit added that prevention and training are the first elements to combat the phenomenon of accidents at work. “Accidents, including fatal ones, are unfortunately still numerous in Europe and especially in Italy – he concluded – there really are no more words, it’s time for action”.

Inauguration in Montecitorio of the States General on health and safety at work (cisl)

The Minister of Labor Marina Elvira Calderone, (handle)

European Labor Commissioner Schmit (handle)
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