
Last warning shot. During the Plateau Picard community council in Maignelay-Montigny, the question of sorting of household waste was the subject of further discussion. It was a reminder that the rules will change – or even tighten – from next year.
Basically, for residents who persist in taking out bins filled with unsorted garbage on collection day, the penalty will be imposed. After several reminders, said trash just won’t be emptied.
“At some point, you have to move up a gear”
“We are not going to apply the measure straight away,” says President Olivier De Beule. We will first let the holidays pass. We will also let the Christmas tree collection pass. In fact, the sorting ambassadors will target a street in a town every week. They will check the contents of the trash cans. And in the event of “errors” that are too blatant, the agents responsible for collection will leave the trash as is. With a red sticker on it explaining why the collection did not take place.
It has already been several weeks that the ambassadors of the Plateau Picard sorting have been preaching the good word in the municipalities of the region. “But we noticed the limits of communication,” we explain during the meeting. “You can meet people, but at some point you have to move up a gear. »
And after the refusal of collection, “we will come back in the following weeks to check,” continue the leaders of the community of municipalities.
“Pessimism” in Saint-Just-en-Chaussée
And if the rejected bags remain lying around in the street, the mayors concerned can then intervene. “It is the responsibility of the police power of mayors,” continues Olivier De Beule. Then, addressing his fellow chief magistrates: “I know that many of you are not motivated. But we’re going to need you.”
Proof that mayors are reluctant to police waste, the mayor of Saint-Just-en-Chaussée Bernard Dubouil intervenes to express his “pessimism”. And added: “You really have to be careful and have a plan of attack. I hear that we have police powers. But if I find myself with 50 or even 100 uncollected trash cans…”
“A margin for progress”
However, those responsible for Plateau Picard readily recognize it: the mass of household waste is decreasing. “But we still have room for improvement,” assures us within the intercommunal body. “The decline is mainly cyclical. Particularly with the reduction of upstream packaging.
In the same vein, the community of municipalities also reminds municipalities that it is always possible to increase the number of voluntary contribution points
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