
They finally arrived safely. The passengers ofa train on the Amiens-Paris line nevertheless had to be patient before arriving at their destination, Thursday, November 21 in the evening, after an accident that occurred in the evening at a level crossing located in the small town of Gannesin the evening. Their train hit a vehicle stuck on the railwayas reported by France Bleu Picardie and Courrier Picard.
“154 people were inside the train,” explains Oliver De Beule, mayor of this small village located on the Plateau Picard. “After 4 hours, the passengers left the train. They walked along the railway line to the level crossing.” From there, they were picked up by the SNCF and transported by bus.
No injuries
As for the accident, “A vehicle attempted to chicane the level crossing, while the barriers were down,” continues Olivier De Beule. “The car got stuck. The two occupants managed to leave it before the impact.”
There were no injuries. Neither among the passengers, nor among the two occupants of the car. The town of Gannes did not need to welcome the train wrecks into its village hall either. The evacuation between the train and the coaches took place simultaneously.
The driver arrested
The Bauvais Public Prosecutor’s Office confirms having opened an investigation. This was then entrusted to the gendarmerie. “The accident vehicle forced the traffic barriers certainly due to the driver’s alcoholism,” adds prosecutor Frédéric Trinh.
“The driver of the car was arrested and then placed in police custody,” said the magistrate.
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