Increase in share capital
Oise Press Society
Limited company
with capital of 1000 euros
Headquarters: 26 rue de Harlay
60200 Compiègne
RCS number 393 372 164 Compiègne
Under the terms of the extraordinary general meeting of 10/25/2024, the shareholders decided to increase the share capital from 1000 euros to 1667 euros.
The ordinary general meeting of 11/15/2024 noted that the capital increase had been carried out following the certificate of deposit of funds established by the company’s bank.
The effective date of the capital increase is therefore set at 11/15/2024.
Article 7 of the statutes has been modified accordingly and mention will be made to the RCS of Compiègne.
The article SOCIETE DE PRESSE DE L’OISE appeared first on Oise Hebdo.
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