
Nadège Lefebvre, president of the Departmental Council of Oise, rejected all the fault of the “Oise-Hebdo-Gate” on the press officer of the Departmental Council. The crisis meeting that met, this Monday, January 27, 2025, at 8 am, at 8 am, at the Oise Departmental Council, with elected officials of the right -wing majority began with 40 minutes of monologue of the president. She denied the existence of a black cabinet, she denied being at the origin of the request for a note against Oise weekly. She explained that it was the fault ofOise weeklythe fault of her press secretary and the fault of the majority which did not support it enough.
The communications officer that was a lot of question during this morning, it is a certain Clarisse Rivière, also known as Clarisse Mérigeot-Cassaignau or Clarisse Mérigeot-Rivière. She was dismissed from the Departmental Council. It files a complaint, moreover, for abusive dismissal and harassment. But her LinkedIn profile indicates that she is always “communication advisor and press secretary. Cabinet of Madam President. Oise departmental council ”.
A hacker to sink Oise weekly
It was she who wrote the note offering to flow Oise weekly By using illegal means, such as a hacker who would have blowed up the domain name of the Oisehebdo.fr site. But she defends herself by saying that it was Clément Aouizératus, chief of staff to the president, who placed her order.
What is more, when in an exchange by SMS, she evokes the file, the latter does not reject the proposal to flow Oise weekly By seizing the property of the title. He is content to answer, in writing, that it is “complicated” and that it takes “someone stalled” to do it.
Clément Aouizérate on the hot seat
There has been a lot of question of the president of the president, during this morning and many are the elected officials who asked for a rapid settlement of the situation concerning him. He could therefore be the victim of the storm he helped to give birth to. Unless, too, suggests having received orders in high places …
The first to speak after the very long monologue of the president was the senator Olivier Paccaud, departmental advisor of the canton of Mouy. First of all, there is a crisis, it is necessary to extinguish the fire, and it takes a clear declaration of the president rejecting these methods of Barbouzes. Then there is a governance crisis and it must be settled before 2028, the date of the next departmental elections.
Right in its boots
On this subject, Nadège Lefebvre would have said that she had never said that she was a candidate for the presidency of the departmental assembly but simply to her re -election. (Except that in her interview with Novmebre 2024 at the Beauvais observer, she said: “If we have a majority, I will seek the presidency again”.
The president arrived very confident. She started saying: “I am straight in my boots”, which was not already a good sign for her when we know what happened to Alain Juppé after having pronounced these words.
Then she made two mistakes. She remained standing while all the advisers in her majority were seated. She was in the position of the school teacher. Thus, when Olivier Paccaud spoke, he got up, and took the place of the schoolmaster. Likewise for the fifteen elected officials who spoke.
The second error is to have started to speak for 40 minutes, which only increased impatience and tensions.
Nadège Lefebvre, almost isolated
Of the 34 departmental advisers, he only has a handful of allies, including Franck Pia, his pair in the canton of Beauvais 2, his sister Brigitte (Beauvais 1) and, a little, Bruno Caleiro (meru).
The most virulent was Benoït Biberon, mayor of Noailles, departmental advisor of Chaumont-en-Vexin. He clearly told her that in 2028, at the next election, the presidency of the department was without her.
She replied that in her hay affair, she supported him.
He replied that this affair had been classified by justice and that he did not need his support (this is an old affair where, farmer Benoït Biberon had won, by megarde and distraction, some hay bullets that did not belong to him).
Even the deputy Maxime Minot (Clermont) went up to the niche against the president claiming at Cor and Cri the departure of Clément Aouizératus.
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