
A press release of the president of departmental council fromOise arrived this Wednesday, January 29 at 10:58 a.m. Wednesday. We reproduce it entirely:
So -called “oise weekly” affair
Nadege Lefebvre firmly refutes any accusation of
For the past few days now, the press has largely echoed the existence of a note aimed at undermining Oise Hebdo, a journal of political information and general information.
This case, if it is seriously prejudiced to the personal and political honesty of the president of the department, also prejudice to the image of the departmental council.
Also, in the firmer in the world, Nadège Lefebvre declares that there is no “black cabinet” in his entourage.
If she does not share all the options taken by this newspaper (which has never spared her), she recalls her total attachment to press freedom.
Aware of the problem, she says he is more decided than ever to shed light on this affair.
“Yes, this case is serious,” she says.
“The watchwords are transparency and truth; I owe it to the elected officials, the agents and the inhabitants of the Oise. I will not let destroy the image of our department and the work we do to make it more attractive, more united. I have never tried to get out of it, I have never concealed the truth. If managers exist, they will be punished. She concludes.
Meeting this Monday, January 27 before the permanent committee by the president, Nadège Lefebvre, the majority, by the voice of its group president, Eric de Valroger, said that she firmly condemned the existence of this note and held to Recall his attachment to press freedom. It is unanimously associated with the requirement of light and truth wanted by the president of the departmental council.
Nadège Lefebvre and the departmental majority
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