
The press release too much? The mail broadcast by Sandrine Dauchelle on social networks of Noyonnais country (CCPN) and the city of Noyon* following the very short last community council, brought the mayors of the country out of their hinges. A text (see below), comparing elected officials-rebellious-of the territory, with Panurge sheep. And denouncing the “Delavenne circus”.
A number of these elected officials caused a press conference this Monday, February 3 at the end of the day in the town hall of Guiscard. Were present, the former vice-presidents Patrice Argier, Marina Martins, Pascal Dollé, Didier Béranger and Joël Cottart, the dean of the assembly Guy Godefroy and the mayor of Guiscard Thibault Delavenne.
Thibault Delavenne: “Even on vacation, it’s my fault!”
“Even when I’m on vacation, when I don’t know what elected officials are going to do, it’s still my fault!”, Ironize Thibault Delavennein reference to the press release which tries to make him carry the hat of “the incident” of Friday evening session. Thibault Delavenne was indeed absent from the Council and preparatory meetings. “The elected officials did what they had to do, had decided to ask Guy Godefroyour dean, to wear their words, they did not need me for all of this, ”he said under the approval eye of the said dean.
Marina Martinsformerly in charge of finance at the CCPN, abounds. “I wanted to be there in support of Thibault, in relation to the treatment he undergoes,” she says. Joël Cottartformer very close to Sandrine Dauchelle even wants to wear the blame: “I am enough that she attacks Thibault while I am the first involuntary official of what is going on, the one who said” stop “when he has Given how much she had manipulated him and made fun of him ”.
The elected officials gathered in the town hall of Guiscard refute the disproportionate ambitions that the president Dauchelle lends to the mayor of the commune: “Thibault, he was asked to present himself to the presidency of the CCPN, he always refused”, assures Joël Cottart who concedes Same “an error” when the assembly “rebuilt” Sandrine Dauchelle “against the candidacy of David Louvrier (Golancourt) after the second election in Noyon”.
“The hypocrisy of Sandrine Dauchelle (…) who did not want data center”
But this is not the only point that irritated elected officials in the president’s press release. They denounce his “hypocrisy” and his “opportunism”.
First of all about the deliberation of Data Center Who could not be mentioned on Friday, which makes the president today that she doubts the “will” of these elected officials to see the project succeed: “She did not want this project at the beginning , and the one who brought him (Arnaud de Belenet, editor’s note) was fired, which could have compromised it, ”gets angry Patrice Argierwho was vice-president and one of the actors in the case at the time. Pascal Dolléhad followed the project closely as 1ᵉʳ vice-president. He confirms and adds: “I spoke to the bearers of the file on Thursday and Friday and Friday and Sunday, they confirm me, and their lawyer confirms, that this deliberation was not necessary, it is cinema”, accuses he. Worse: “While I answer them, even today, in the minute, they made me try to reach her as well as Mastouri (Chokri Mastouri, Managing Director of the Noyonnais country, editor’s note) without achieving it,” adds -he.
“Pretexts” to “put everything on our backs”
The mayors believe that it was in fact a deliberation “pretext”, added to the agenda to be able to blame the mayors in the event of a session incident. “She says herself in her letter that she knew what was going to happen, they explain, and it is the same thing with the rooms that could not be rented to associations”. Including the Association of the staff of the CCPN and the City for its lotto. Didier Béranger Brandit a poster for the event: “Here, we see that everything was printed while the convention between the CCPN and the Association was not ready! The rooms are wondering a year in advance, and nothing had been done before for this meeting? ”, He is surprised. There is a second one, for the same type of event scheduled in March: “Here, we have a lottery planned for next month, why is not already added to the agenda? Why is she doing everything at the last moment? ”
Champagne released after the last chaotic advice?
The mayor of Guiscard concludes: “It is to put everything on our backs, it is hypocrisy, pretexts”. “There is a lot of bad faith and manipulation,” add the former vice-presidents. Pascal Dolé, he believes that Sandrine Dauchelle even celebrated Friday’s incident: “After the council, she took her team to the Katedral Bistrot in Noyon and offered Champagne to celebrate the outcome of the Council”, reveals -Al, ensuring having witnesses.
A new summary procedure sent this Monday
But what follow -up now in the Noyonnais country? Thibault Delavenne reveals that he had sent a new summary proceedings this Monday morning to have several points added again to the agenda. “Yes, we made a mistake, I conceded that I had never been in a court before these stories”, advances the one who does not exclude, in agreement with the mayors of the country, to take a lawyer for the next deadlines. The whole thing in order to finally be able to “change the composition of the community office to ensure that the administration of the country is simpler”, they summarize “what people must understand is that in the first place if it Accepted to put our questions to the debate, there would be no more history of conventions not signed in time, ”they buy.
The prefect in a contribution?
While the political impasse seems more real than ever, the prefect, however, proposed to play the conciliators. Sandrine Dauchelle met him at the end of the year. A delegation of “slingers”, saw it on January 17. “He told us that he could not do much unfortunately, but that he wanted to organize a meeting,” explains Thibault Delavenne. The mayors do not exclude accepting the proposal.
Joined by phone, Sandrine Dauchelle did not respond to our requests
* In all illegality, we can never say it enough, the social networks of communities not intended to disseminate political content
Sandrine Dauchelle’s press release:

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