
This time, we’re there. THE administrative court (TA) of Amiens will have to look again in the coming days at the conflict between the rebellious mayors and their president, the LR Sandrine Dauchelle.
After having obtained in November from administrative judges the right to debate in session the withdrawal of the delegations of the president (LR) of the Noyonnais Country Sandrine Dauchelle, her opponents will plead in the same way to add to the agenda of the next council, the questions of the reduction of her allowances, those of her vice-presidents, and the revision of the internal regulations. This last point is intended to streamline the functioning of the community of communes of Pays Noyonnais since the reduction of the powers of its president.
According to our information, a new summary procedure (emergency procedure) has been initiated. It follows the sending of a letter from Thibault Delavennemayor of Guiscard and departmental councilor in November. He asked Sandrine Dauchelle to convene an extraordinary council to discuss compensation and internal regulations. As we wrote, the president not having convened a council on December 19 to examine these points, she had missed the deadline, and the rebellious elected officials were justified in seizing the Amiens jurisdiction again.
But the summary procedure was not initiated at the end of December as mentioned then. No doubt to avoid a referral to judges in the middle of the end-of-year holiday season and a possible community council between Christmas and New Year, possibly deserted by some of its members.
“She wants to receive her compensation for as long as possible”
This Friday, January 24, however, President Dauchelle summoned the country’s elected officials to a new council. It will take place on January 30. On the agenda, the two questions raised by the rebels are absent.
With the certainty now that President Dauchelle does not intend to debate the question of her compensation, nor revise the internal regulations of the Country, the elected officials have, according to our information, this time indeed seized the TA in summary proceedings. One of the rebellious mayors believes “that the president’s strategy is to delay the examination of the question as long as possible in order to receive the maximum of her compensation for as long as possible and hinder the functioning of the institution to make her opponents pay “. “And too bad if it means going to the TA every month and spending a fortune on a lawyer,” considers another.
We were unable to contact Thibault Delavenne this Saturday, but at the end of last year, he said about the president and her repeated refusals: “She wants us to pay cash for her withdrawals, the result is let her make a fool of herself day by day.”
Will the judges once again grant the request of the rebellious mayors? The first time, only one of the three points was retained by the judges. The two remaining points, those that the judges must examine again, could this time come up against questions of form, the summary not having been sent as soon as the deadline for convening a council passed on December 19.
We were unable to contact Chokri Mastouri, general director of Pays Noyonnais services.
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