
He was fired in October despite, it seems, all the regulatory texts. The case of breach of contractHenri Lamurformer director of technical services for the city of Noyon and of Noyonnais Country will be carefully examined – and twice rather than once – by Justice.
First, because the agent decided to attack his former employer who fired him after 11 years of service, he believes, without valid reason.
Then because according to our information, the Oise prefecture has just summoned the president of Pays Noyonnais and mayor of Noyon, the highly contested LR Sandrine Dauchellebefore the administrative court.
Sandrine Dauchelle had been warned
We cannot say that Sandrine Dauchelle did not see it coming. The question of the contract of the director of technical services was the subject of a debate within the hemicycle of the community of communes (CCPN) Pays Noyonnais. While the president suddenly felt that Henri Lamur’s contract was not in compliance, she had put to the vote the transformation of his contract, and to change it from CDI to CDD.
The opposition to the president of the CCPN saw it as a disingenuous way of giving itself the means to get rid of the agent in due time. The president of the Pays Noyonnais had blamed this sudden fad on the… Regional Chamber of Accounts which would have suddenly had the idea of looking into the contracts of the agents (this is not, however, its role). A pretext, we wrote at the time, seems bogus.
Ultimately, the Pays Noyonnais refused to modify the agent’s contract. The president had decided to fire him: heads, I win, tails, you lose.
When the prefecture gets involved

Following this strange sleight of hand, the sub-prefect of the Compiègne district, Christian Guyard, took up his pen to remind President Dauchelle of some legal fundamentals. And explained by A + B why the Pays Noyonnais could not dismiss its agent for the reasons given. In any case, this was how the legality control in the prefecture was judged after examining the deliberations and ruling on the Henri Lamur case.
In diplomatic terms, sub-prefect Guyard concluded his letter by indicating that by failing to offer the agent reinstatement, the Pays Noyonnais was exposed to a response from the prefecture, and therefore from the State.
But the president of Pays Noyonnais and her services were not more impressed than that by the polite threats of the state representative. According to our information, in the services, a director even liked to trumpet that they would never take Henri Lamur back, illegal dismissal or not.
A threat carried out
The threat was therefore carried out. The prefecture has just assigned the Pays Noyonnais to the administrative court regarding the Henri Lamur case. A procedure aimed more at reminding the mayor of Noyon and president of Pays Noyonnais of her duties and obligations, than at bringing back the former director of technical services. The latter has in fact just found a position at the Entente Oise Aisne, a watercourse management organization in which, it is said, he already feels like a… fish in water.
Political and financial consequences
The Pays Noyonnais could, on the other hand, take the fall in this matter. Doubly assigned by the licensed agent and now also by the State, it could have to go to the cash drawer in a few months or years. The president of the Pays Noyonnais, whose incompetence is denounced by her opposition and the Noyonnais, and whose management is increasingly described as cruel by the agents, could, in the event of defeat, give weight to their arguments. On the financial side, always, when examining the administrative accounts of the City and Pays Noyonnais, the “legal costs” line should present interesting amounts.
Especially since the procedures are piling up before the administrative court of Amiens, with a new summary procedure initiated by its opponents in the country this weekend, not to mention those of numerous agents whose files are waiting on the desk of the court judges administrative.
At this rate, Sandrine Dauchelle will soon spend more time in Amiens than in Noyon. A political base for the one who seems to have alienated everyone in her city?
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