
Ten short minutes and then go. The Community Council of Noyonnais country From this Friday, January 31, in the evening broke a new speed of speed. We knew that the session would be stormy after the new Refusal of President Dauchelle to register on the agenda the items submitted by the community delegates, and after the rejection of their request by the administrative court for questions of form. The cloth burns more than ever between the president, her last vice-presidents and the advisers of the Noyonnaise majority on the one hand, and all the other mayors and delegates, that is to say two thirds of the assembly, on the other.
After a minute of silence, dedicated to the memory of little Kenzo who died in terrible conditions in Noyon mid-January, from the start of the session, during the designation report of a meeting secretary, Guy Godefroy, mayor of Cuts and Cuts and Dean of the Assembly asks for the word. President Sandrine Dauchelle intricates her to let her end her report.
“Madam President, I have a question that concerns a group”
Following report. While the president begins reading, the dean reminds her of her good memory: “You forgot me, Madam President?” Indeed. Speech is therefore Guy Godefroy. “Madam President, I carry a question concerning a group,” begins the mayor of Cuts. Speech is resumed. “You are out of relation,” said Sandrine Dauchelle who does not allow her to finish her question.
Guy Godefroy protests. The president recalls the rules and ensures that this is not the time. “Okay, it’s not the time,” abandons the dean. And the mayor to get up, with him following the entire mayors and delegates from the Noyonnais country less the last faithful.
While the president criticizes the mayor of Cuts, at the same time, for giving herself “in a show” “to make the circus”, and for ignoring “the regulations”, she then allows herself an astonishing remark: “it’s a shame for your age”. Several delegates expressed their indignation once. And underlined “a lack of respect to refuse speech to the dean carrier of a collective request”.
The ironic applause of Noyonnais advisers
As a reprobation, while the delegates leave the room, the municipal councilors of the Noyonnaise majority applaud ironically. “Thank you for the rugby club”, “thank you for the agents’ friendly,” they launch.
The Rugby Club as the Association of Agents had requested a provision of room from the community of communes. In the absence of a vote, the answer will therefore be negative.
While the rugby club wanted to organize a lottery, the associations-the very ones which were refused at the entrance to the bridge mid-January for the wishes of the mayor, and who saw their subsidies reduced to the congruent portion-will congratulate themselves Without doubt to know that municipal councilors are now concerned with their finances …
The City and CCPN staff friendly, while the agents denounce almost every week the tyrannical management policy of their hierarchy, will undoubtedly be happy to hear that the opposition advisers feel concerned by their well-being …
The slingers wanted to question the president about her refusal

At the exit, the rebellious delegates reveal the questions that Guy Godefroy and some other elected officials wanted to wear.
First, ask the president and her vice-presidents to stop, as they started to do as punishment a few weeks ago, to read all of the deliberations, legal notices and commands included.
Then question the president on her refusal to register on the agenda the items requested by Thibault Delavenne and 26 other community delegates per mail. On the eight points (see below), only one had been registered on the agenda: the transfer relating to the Data Center project by the H & DC company on the Inovia campus.
While the president had not already answered by mail, she did not even hear the question this time. Not sure that it is progress.
An appointment will therefore be given, probably Tuesday, February 4 or Wednesday 5, to replay the same advice.
The question that Guy Godefroy wanted to ask ::
The president,
By letter dated November 18, 2024, and in accordance with article 1 of the internal regulations and article 2121-9 of the general code of local authorities, 27 community delegates, that is to say more than a third of the members of the Council, asked you to register on the agenda during a community council the following points, in particular in order to fluidify the sessions as you denounce in the event of withdrawal of your delegations:
1. Transfer relating to the Data Center project by the H & DC company on the Inovia campus,
2. Fixing the number of vice-presidents,
3. Modification of article 7 of the internal regulations: oral questions,
4. Modification of article 31 of the internal regulations: registration and retransmission of debates,
5. Modification of article 33 of the internal regulations: composition of the community office,
6. Designation of members of the Community Office,
7. Award of delegations from the Community Council to the Community Office,
8. Modification of the rate of functional allowances of elected officials.
Only the point on the transfer relating to the Data Center project was registered on the agenda of the Community Council of December 9, 2024. The other points have still not been registered on the agenda of this meeting, Despite a reminder letter dated January 16, 2025, received on January 22 by your services.
Also, the majority of community advisers would like to know:
– Why was no response to them at the request of November 18, 2024,
-How do you justify the non-registration of the points requested on the agenda of a
community council within 30 days of this date?
Thank you even the president for the answer you will give us.
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