
“I call you, as a girl, to tell you that my father does not do in the cronyism, he is even very far from all this.” Florence Portelli, vice-president of the Republicans (LR), wanted to react to our article devoted to the practices of the mayor of Noyon, the LR, Sandrine Dauchelle. A mayor who seems to be almost systematically in business with people close to his party, in conditions deemed sometimes opaque by the Regional Chamber of Accounts.
“My father is recognized and chosen by many elected officials”
“I don’t know who is the mayor of Noyon, I don’t even know what she looks like,” said Florence Portelli. “However, what I know is that my father is a great lawyer, whom he knew the two sides of the barrier, mayor and lawyer, and that for this reason, he is recognized and chosen by many ‘Elected officials, ”she adds that she also wanted to distance himself from the mayor LR of Noyon Sandrine Dauchelle.
Note that Hugues Portelli was indeed mayor of Ermont (Val-d’Oise) for 23 years. According to Florence Portelli, the choice of Hugues Portelli to recently represent the Noyonnais affairs in its legal procedures, “had to be done through the mayor of Compiègne (Philippe Marini, former senator Les Républicains, editor’s note)”.
This does not mean, according to this framework to the National of the Republicans, that Hugues Portelli selects his affairs according to political affinities. “He represents mayors of all stripes, he hates everything that is political political, that’s even why he refused to run for a third mandate of senator, he finds that the environment is not up to the task” . Hugues Portelli was a senator from 2004 to 2017. He also rubbed shoulders with various political currents, from the PS, at the center (UDF), at the UMP (ex-LR). According to Florence Portelli, Hugues Portelli “is not in party authorities”.
“He tends not to be paid enough”
Florence Portelli also seems to want to anticipate any possible accusation of troubled invoicing “while CRC, seems to point expensive costs” in Noyon. “My father even tends not to be paid enough, he is not paying attention to this, he does not even invoice his fees, which is however the base,” she notes.
Note, however, that Hugues Portelli may also have known Sandrine Dauchelle at the Catholic Institute of Paris, of which he has been dean of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences since 2019. Sandrine Dauchelle was there, from 2017 to 2019, responsible for academic projects and institutional relations.
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