
There Regional chamber of accounts (CRC, which has literally expanded the financial management of Sandrine Dauchellealso looked at a number of opaque signatures from the mayor Les Républicains de Noyon. There CRC Underlines on several occasions, the lack of transparency in market attributions and recruitment, asking the question of possible “conflicts of interest».
CRC is first interested in Emmanuel Espanol – Former Director of Cabinet of Sandrine Dauchelle – to her multiple companies and affairs with the city of Noyon. In the report, it is designated under the name of “M. X “, but his societies are named.
We must repeat here who is Emmanuel Espanol: former elected official, businessman at the head of several companies, he was the great strategist of the Republicans in the Oise. He helped LR candidates for the 2015 and 2020 departmental campaigns who had led to the presidents of Édouard Courtial and then Nadège Lefebvre. He had also worked on the municipal countryside of Sandrine Dauchelle in Noyon, from Philippe Marini to Compiègne and for several other right -wing elected officials in Chantilly, Gouvieux and Verberie in particular. He also attempted to be invested by the national rally in the last legislative elections in the Gard. One of his companies, Athena, was placed in receivership this summer.
Espanol was finally, for a few months, the first chief of staff of Sandrine Dauchelle immediately elected.
The famous “Athena software”
“On November 4, 2020, the month following his departure from the town, MX A (…) signed with the mayor of Noyon a contract providing for the provision of software” notes the CRC. The software, deployed by Athenaaimed to provide “a computer management computer method”. The municipality then pays the sum of 2,880 euros “for the commissioning of the software”, then “until March 31, 2023, 1,612 euros per quarter for its maintenance”.
The CRC wonders about the usefulness of this software for the city of Noyon. A usefulness “deemed limited”. “Only handled by two agents, in charge of the secretariat (…) It is essentially fed by the requests of individuals going to the town hall, asking for information or an appointment with an elected official,” describes the report. The software is also rudimentary and supposes “to hold in parallel” paper “follow -up” of these requests. Clearly: quite useless.
The CRC is also doubtful on the cost of the gadget. “The need for quarterly maintenance operations is subject to questions,” writes the CRC. We are talking about software that cost a total “32,000 euros” from 2020 to 2023 to note the financial magistrates. Contacted by the CRC, Emmanuel Espanol has not proven the reality of these maintenance, explains the report.
But that’s not all: this software that collects personal data “is subject to the General Data Protection Regulations,” said the Chamber which, supporting technical arguments, doubt of this GDPR (General Regulations of data protection).
But that’s still not everything. Before resorting to Athena, the town already had a similar solution, “which provided a price almost twice: 3,000 euros per year”.
The CRC summarizes: this is “costly computer software with regard to its functionalities” whose maintenance cost is therefore not the subject of any justification and which does not respect by the GDPR.
Questioned by the room, Sandrine Dauchelle considers “that the price proposed by the company Athena (…) was reasonable”.
When Espanol was paid to do the work of agents
Emmanuel Espanol would have, also via Athena, also “made a communication plan”, intended to “support the communication management” in 2022. It was a question of helping to produce two editions of Vivre magazine in Noyon and An edition of the Com ‘in (a newsletter for agents). And finally to set up a Com ‘plan and a newsletter “in favor of a direct rail link between Noyon and Roissy”.
Problem: CRC considers that these missions appear “far away” from “the corporate object” of Athena. The city was also already in financial difficulties. Cost of the service despite everything: 8,400 euros…
But also training
Ahténa, is not the only company of the former dir ‘Cab’ to have “crunched” with Sandrine Dauchelle. Via one of these other business, Atlas AdviceEmmanuel Espanol also “provided in March 2022 aid to prepare for the budget”. The municipality had no longer a financial director, the last one who “worked” had decided to leave due to the management of the mayor.
The cost of this service: 6,600 euros. Perhaps a little expensive paid when you know the conclusions of the CRC on the budgets prepared at the time.
And one, and two, and three companies …
Citizen solutions A third company by Emmanuel Espanol also had his share of the cake. Citizen solutions has been remunerated to establish a “multi -year investment plan (PPI)”. Problem: “The Chamber notes the inability of the town to communicate such a PPI to it,” writes the CRC. Has the document only one day existed? The deal had been passed in 2023. “In April 2024” it was still “non -operational”, added the magistrates.
Citizen solutions also organized a “seminar in September 2023”, dedicated “to the mid-term assessment” and “team cohesion”, justified the city. Its price: 4,140 euros. 14 elected officials of the majority benefited.
Citizen solution also “billed the training of several elected officials between October 2021 and December 2021” reports the Chamber. Training for certain assistants and delegated municipal councilors on the understanding of the municipal budget “. Fourteen elected representatives of the majority benefited from a total of almost 25 hours of training.
Citizen solutions – it never stops! – was finally remunerated for an “expert training” intended for the director of cabinet who succeeded Emmanuel Espanol. A 40 -hour service for 7,200 euros “or 180 euros per hour”, underlines the room. “Such an amount, a fortiori for training for a single agent questioned, it is clearly above the prices usually practiced,” said the CRC. According to her, this kind of training is rather estimated at “64 euros per hour”.
Transparency obliges us to say that this agent, Frédéric Normand, was a journalist at Oise weekly Before working for Noyon that he left during the cancellation of the elections in 2021. He found his post at Oise weekly A few months later. Frédéric Normand challenged that he had benefited from this training and carried out a report. An investigation has been opened, it is still in progress, expanded according to our information to the other business of Emmanuel Espanol with the city. The investigation is diligent by the Amiens research section.
A total of 56,282 euros and troubled markets
For all these services, the company Athéna therefore received 32,154 euros, citizen solutions, 17,528 euros and Atlas Conseil, 6,600 euros. Or 56,282 depending on the room. Oise weekly Written this summer that Emmanuel Espanol’s contracts had brought him some 62,647 euros.
But under what conditions have these markets have passed? “These contracts have been concluded without recourse to any form of competition, without prior and precise definition of a need and without information from the municipal council,” describe the financial magistrates. The mayor’s defense is to say that these markets have not-individually-exceeded the “regulatory threshold for advertising”, that is to say 40,000 euros. 40,000 euros is the limit beyond which you have to put companies in competition and therefore-logically, choose the most capable, serious, the cheapest-at the end of the answers.
“The regulatory and competition thresholds of public procurement do not exempt buyers from compliance with the general principles of public procurement, in the interest of municipal management”, retort magistrates.
The CRC therefore rules: “The municipality should put an end to these practices”.
Sandrine Dauchelle’s lie to magistrates
In her response to the magistrates, Sandrine Dauchelle also said, and it is a big lie, “that she did not know” Emmanuel Espanol “before”.
We repeat it: Emmanuel Espanol had led Sandrine Dauchelle’s election campaign in 2020…
Has Sandrine Dauchelle wanted to please a friend of the Republicans by offering her not really necessary services, not always done, sometimes too much above the market price? According to the CRC, the use of Emmanuel Espanol societies “is likely to correspond to the definition of conflict of interest posed by law”.
If the CRC cannot continue the mayor of Noyon on this point (it is not its role), another jurisdiction might want to take a look.
A job specially created for a relative of Senator Bascher
In addition to the suspicious affairs of Sandrine Dauchelle with Espanol, the magistrates devoted a chapter of their report, without naming it, to Philippe Lasnier. Today head of the protocol in Noyon he was a parliamentary assistant to the Senator LR de l’Oise Jérôme Bascher Until his electoral defeat of 2023. When Jérôme Bascher Bascher is beaten, he is said to ask Sandrine Dauchelle to find a job at the Lasnier assistant now unemployed. Sandrine Dauchelle who had campaigned by saying that he wanted to “put an end to cronyism” in recruitments … decides to hire her.
The CRC explains that Philippe Lasnier, designated in the report under the periphrase “former parliamentary assistant of a senator”, was “hired by the way of a fixed -term contract of two years from November 13, 2023”, say the magistrates. Lasnier had lost his assistant post on October 2, 2023. He then became “responsible for the secretariat of the mayor and head of the protocol”. Replacing at the time a simple position of secretary.
Despite all rules
Problem: this recruitment is “in ignorance of the general code of the public service and the principle of transparency”, believes the CRC which adds that no “deliberation of the municipal council” has even been voted for the creation of this new job .
Another anomaly: this “permanent employment, planned for a territorial attaché” (a civil servant therefore), is entrusted here to an “contractual agent”. To justify herself, Sandrine Dauchelle invokes “the absence of candidacy” after a recruitment procedure “qualified” as unsuccessful “,” says the report. Unwelcome and for good reason: the job offer was released “over a very short period”, notes the CRC. A “speed that presents a legal risk,” she adds.
Finally, the perimeter of the new agent’s position is “ambiguous” writes the chamber which notes that the title of the Lasnier post “supposes missions, in part, of a political nature”. Which is also a problem since the municipality, “with regard to its size”, “is not authorized to recruit additional position as a cabinet collaborator”.
To the observations of the Chamber, we could also add a question: did, in the midst of a budgetary crisis, the city of Noyon had the means and even the need to have a “protocol leader”?
The post of Philippe Lasnier was recently reclassified as a municipal council after the CRC remarks.
And also …
In a future article, we will see the funny methods of the city of Noyon in matters of legal advice. We will mention in particular a contract that has fallen into the purse – again! – A lawyer close to the LR galaxy. We will also see how, in terms of legal costs, he arrived in Sandrine Dauchelle to confuse her wallet with that of the city …
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