“We move up a gear. Since it has been 5 years since the word of Mr. Allouache is not heard, and well we will show that there is a unit around this file and above all we want to make realize that the aggression which was victim MOKHTAR Allouache is linked to its elected status.
Jean-François Dardenne, mayor of Nogent-sur-Oise and initiator of this justice committee intended to support the elected official of his municipal majority explains before an assistance provided, including many elected officials from Nogent-sur-Oise, but also citizens came to take note of a story that they did not necessarily know in detail.
“The arms fall to me. I did not know that Mokhtar Allouache had been attacked at this point. Nor did I know that his wife was attacked violently when she was pregnant, ”comments a listener. “I do not understand how everything was not done to catch the perpetrator (s) of this attempted murder. Because that’s what it is, ”said another.
Me El Haité, standing wind in this file
A few minutes earlier, Me Najwa El Haïté, lawyer for Mr. Allouache, spoke of the audience turn during the appeal to Amiens last December (to read in previous articles). There was talk of the desire to audition a new witness, to restore a 10 -day ITT that has disappeared, but also of the desire to recall the status of elected representative of Mokhtar Allouache.
“I have never seen a file in which it is so difficult to simply make justice heard that it is necessary to examine specific points. For the time being, the Court of Appeal has confirmed the dismissal order. What does that mean? That Mr. Allouache was not attacked with a stab? What is the message that we get to the attackers by letting them with impunity do? ”, Underlines the lawyer.
Repeated dysfunctions
Roger-Marc Moreau, a criminalist who is the source of a recovery in the Omar Raddad file, also seems to take this 100 % Nogentais dossier. “There is probably a succession of dysfunctions. You can’t deny it. Documents disappear and then reappear, it is not humanly possible to stop there. Getting justice is a citizen’s duty and this committee is created is a very good thing. We will in any event conduct our own investigation. There are too much difficulty in this file, names that come back very often. Justice must pass, ”says criminalist with conviction.
The mayor of Nogent claims to be heard
Jean-François Dardenne, initiator with a large handful of elected officials from Nogent of this justice committee, is also determined. “I have never been heard, when I always claimed that it was as elected official that Mokhtar Allouache was attacked. The violence with which he has received a stab a few millimeters from the heart cannot remain unpunished. Names are circulating, untruths are disseminated, especially on social networks and in the streets of our city. We know who is at the origin. I am waiting for one thing to be heard in the context of this file, ”says the first magistrate of the fourth city in the Oise.
The why of the assault mentioned
A double question burns the lips. What would be the interest in justice to put the dust under the carpet and why was Mokhtar Allouache was attacked with stabbing?
For the first, the question remains. For the second. It would be a question of a public market dating from 2017. A market related to security. Mokhtar Allouache would have set foot in the dish to “do not let anything do”. Less than two years later, he would have paid the costs by being violently attacked with stabbing weapons.
“The names are circulating and it is not for me to deliver them today. It is up to justice to do its job. Our committee is there to remind you. We are all behind the city councilor today to help him face this event, ”concludes Jean-François Dardenne.
In the room, many of them ask questions. In particular, there is Sylvie Kellens, who has been fighting for several years to have an investigation into the death of her son. It is true that it was the same prosecutor of the time who had decided to classify this painful file. There are also many elected officials, some of whom came from neighboring municipalities to discover the Allouache affair.
This is the case in particular of Aziz Amanar, who considers “that at a time when there is a lot of question of protecting elected officials in the face of multiple aggressions, it seems necessary to grasp the association of mayors of France for her is clearly positioned in this file ”.
Would the Allouache affair have a vocation to gain a national magnitude?
Criminalist and lawyer, in any case intend to carry out this fight.
Initially, Mokhtar Allouache went this Friday, February 7, afternoon to the Amiens Court of Appeal on Friday, to assert his desire to provide for cassation.
The case therefore continues.

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