
After having moved with other elected officials from Rn In the Aisne, the MP José Beaurain brought to theNational Assembly The question of the reduction of credits for Axonian high schools by the region. He asked his question during a cultural affairs committee which auditioned the Minister of National Education February 12.
“The decision of the Hauts-de-France region to greatly reduce the operation of public high schools causes great concern in my department. Aisne is particularly struck with an average drop of 18.9%, jeopardizing the proper functioning of our schools. Minister, what measures does the Government intend to take to guarantee Lycéens Axonais with worthy learning conditions? E especially to compensate for the consequences of this decision heavy with consequences? ”
Once the question was asked, José Beaurain left the room. What the minister did not fail when she responded. “I have the impression that MP Beaurain left” before returning it to these studies. “That’s good since his question was not addressed to me, but to the president of the Hauts-de-France region” before answering another question.
Sawsen Clément-Jebbari scratches the deputy
It didn’t take more for the President of Renaissance to Ainesawsen-Clément-Jebbari scratched José Beaurain on social networks. “Pathetic and even tragic for our territory,” she considers. To the gross error, the bad interlocutor, is added the intellectual dishonesty of the deputy of the National Rally José Beaurain. The latter bid on his networks that he will challenge the Minister of National Education Elisabeth Borne, knowing full well that the problem is a matter of the Hauts-de-France region. He posts his capsule and strangely, he does not wait for the answer. For what ?”
José Beaurain immediately replies
A few minutes later, the deputy RN José Beaurain insidiously replied to him. “I see with pleasure that you continue to assiduously follow my interventions at the Assembly. The drop in the regional endowment of high schools is an absolute scandal, which calls into question the proper functioning of our schools and the working conditions of teachers and students. This unfair decision has already been contested, rightly, by the regional advisers of the national rally, joined in this by the four RN parliamentarians in our department. ”
The deputy RN wanted to draw his attention to the disturbing situation of high schools in Aisne. “I am well aware, madam, that the fact that a deputy could challenge a minister on a question under the scope of his ministry, in order to highlight the difficulties encountered by his fellow citizens, a relatively strange and new thing for YOU. Indeed, being yourself macronist convictions, you have probably not been used to seeing deputies trying to do their work and defend their territory. ”
Like a teacher referring a student to his dear studies, he explains the reasons for his absence to the minister’s response. “If I did not stay to hear, live, Madame Borne’s response, it was to attend the discussions that were held, at the same time, in the hemicycle. I will not be insulting you, Madam, to pretend to teach you how to function the parliament and the organization of parliamentary work. ”
He specifies that a deputy must distribute his time fairly: days of sessions, commission, meetings, study groups, groups of friendships, working groups and hemicycle. “At least when he aims to fully exercise the functions that his fellow citizens have entrusted to him. Having never been elected yourself, I do not blame you, Madam, your blatant ignorance of the daily work of a deputy. In order to dissipate any possible persistent misunderstanding on your part on the functioning of our Parliament, I would be happy to organize, for you, a visit to the National Assembly. On this occasion, you could even attend a public session, as a spectator, in order to realize for yourself what I write above. »»
Sawsen Clément-Jebbari takes the bit to the teeth
Sawsen Clément-Jebbari returns the deputy to the strings. “Mr. José Beaurain, it is well tempted. It seems to me that you are the first to have come to find me. Yes, you are a deputy for my department. It seems normal to follow your news and perhaps one day your achievements. Let’s dream! Do I have to deduce that you stay in your corridor? Please note, consanguinity is dangerous. “
On the deputy’s excuse, the President of Renaissance in Aisne continues her lesson in maintenance. “It’s too easy, Mr. MP. The “I had a swimming pool commission”. You announce a question, in this case, you are waiting for an answer, you follow up. You respect your citizens and Madam Minister. Furthermore, trying to explain to us that by challenging Minister Elisabeth Borne, you think you will get something under the region, is at best, ignorance or a backward conception of the non-independence of the regions. Finally, I will not lower myself to respond to your arrest on my status: it is poor, childish and without interest. ”
Week after week, these two eminent representatives of Axonaise policy never lack an opportunity to get away in public. With this quasi-certainty: they will not go on vacation together.
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