
The opposition municipal councilor of Neuilly-en-Thelle Denis Jacob seized this Sunday January 12 the Commission for access to administrative documents (Cada), via an online form. He had already contacted the prefecture for what he considers to be administrative shortcomings in the communication of the municipality’s budget.
This time he addresses the Cada to obtain “the anonymized staff table indicating positions, functions, grades, seniority and missions, permanent or non-permanent jobs and vacancies, and all necessary information to understand the organization and operation of municipal services“.
Request made a month ago
He has already requested this document from the mayor. Particularly during municipal council meeting on December 9. To be able to comment on certain deliberations such as the recruitment of agents or the upcoming budget.
Met in the meantime, Mayor Bernard Onclercq assured that he had sent the staff table to Denis Jacob. And that the documents could in any case be consulted at the town hall. Denis Jacob believes that this is not the right document because it is not sufficiently detailed.
With no news a month after the municipal council and another request by email, the opposition municipal councilor therefore contacted the Cada.
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