
A first union section was created within the municipal agents of Neuilly-en-Thelle. Some of them chose to join the CFDT to defend their rights. It all starts from a sanction received this summer. A municipal pruner, which was to be thrown away, was finally sold to a farmer by a technical services agent. The agent was identified, the money returned to the community, and a sanction was taken.
But a “collective sanction imposed on all technical service agents», complains Mike Hilaire, the now secretary of the CFDT of Neuilly-en-Thelle. Everyone received a reprimand first. “Faced with this injustice, we requested the intervention of a union to defend our rights. Thanks to this mobilization, the initial sanctions, which consisted of reprimands, were reduced to warnings for the agents who were able to assert their defense“, he explains.
Other battles to fight
The new union section does not intend to stop there and lists around ten problems and demands in the months to come. While its secretary today claims around ten members, a little over five months after its creation.
“Several agents, despite repeated requests over many years, are refused job descriptions or receive incomplete documents“, begins Mike Hilaire in a press release.
He also complains about relations with hierarchical superiors and human resources. “Agents report hurtful remarks from their superiors», Says the union. He describes “stressful working conditions» according to the testimonies of certain agents. The local secretary of the CFDT believes that “many officers report a serious impact on their physical and mental health, including stress, anxiety, digestive disorders, depression and recourse to medical or psychological treatments“. According to him “a control of overtime regularly paid to certain employees should be considered.» Disagreements with the mayor’s version on the well-being of agents at work also arise after the passage of a control commission linked to this subject.
The mayor defends his HR and his relations with agents
For his part, Mayor Bernard Onclerq first assures that it does not bother him at all, recalling that he himself managed a union during his career. But he defends his relationships with agents and those of his Human Resources.
“HR, I can tell you that there is no problem with HR“, he maintains despite the union’s version. He himself claims to have “always been respectful» towards municipal staff. And he can’t stand the idea of coming across as a bad boss, promising he won’t let it go. Bernard Onclercq will express his wishes to the population this Saturday, January 11. His speech already promised to be salty so there…
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