
This Wednesday, February 12, a motorist caused an accident which could have ended in real drama, on the RD901 Not far from Beauvais (Oise).
Engaged in the DR901, which is in 2 × 2-way, At the exit of the Plouy-Saint-Lucien In the direction of Beauvais, the motorist struck two vehicles in his path: a car as well as a utility.
Three light wounded
Fifteen firefighters as well as SAMU teams intervened at 8:15 p.m. Miraculously, no one was seriously injured. Three were slightly injured, and three others came out unscathed.
Several witnesses indicate that he made headlight calls to the motorist in the background, in vain. “”I also crossed it, well I rather avoided it just about the RD901 when I was exceedingindicates a motorist on Facebook. Despite my headlight calls and the horn no reaction no braking. I had just time to fall back otherwise it was face to face.»»
In one week, four people lost their lives on the roads of the Oise: a woman in Brombos, a biker in Chantilly, a 67 -year -old man in Mortemer, and a 92 -year -old pedestrian in Crisolles.
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