
A van carrying an ambulance lay on the road this Friday, February 7, on the national 2, which links Paris has Soissonsin Aisne, up to Nanteuil-le-Haudouin. The team was circulating in the province/capital direction when the driver of the van suddenly lost control of his vehicle. He was around 2 p.m.
No victim, a priori
According to the Facebook page “Nationale 2 Info”, other vehicles could also be involved in the accident which, however, would have not a priori a victim.
To allow the evacuation of damaged vehicles, the Nationale 2 was completely closed to the trafficbut only in the sense of Soissons/Paris. Many motorists are at a time when we write these lines (3:15 p.m.) totally blocked in the plug that has formed …

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