
Initially, it was a matter of raising a technical point. Among the items on the agenda of the Pays du Clermontois community councilThursday, November 21, elected officials were to study a reform of fees requested by the water agency. But forhe mayor of Mouy, Philippe Maugerthe opportunity is too good. He wishes to return to the water quality problems encountered in his municipality. As well as in three other neighboring localities.
“It’s a time bomb,” exclaims Philippe Mauger. “I don’t see how to get out of this.” The chief magistrate then directly implicates the Suez company, responsible for water distribution in the sector. “They promised us water of the same quality as Evian. I think they are leading us for a ride.”
What is the water problem in Mouy?
Put into context. Mouy, Bury, Balagny-sur-Thérain and Angy are part of a union responsible for water and sanitation: ABBM. For several years. Several neighborhoods find themselves with reddish water.
This is explained by two factors. A final drilling finally brought up ferruginous water.
Even treated, it turns out to be more aggressive than expected. The liquid ends up loosening the deposits in the pipes. Which then causes “Orangina-colored” water when it comes out of the tap. Even reddish Orangina.
A complicated situation
The relationship with the community of communes of Pays du Clermontois? Certainly, it has water competence in place of its members. Except for Mouy and Bury, which integrated the territory into the territory. For everything related to water and sanitation, you have to check with the ABBM union.
It must still manage both skills until 2026. After this year, the question of the relevance of the structure must arise. But be careful, the situation risks getting complicated. Mouy and Bury are part of Clermontois, while Angy and Balagny are part of… La Thelloise. And this community of municipalities does not yet have water and sanitation skills.
“There will be significant financial commitments”
Complications that hardly enchant Lionel Ollivier, president of the community of communes. “We will try to bring about meetings with all the officials concerned,” the mayor of Clermont simply said.
For the person concerned, the concern lies with the ABBM union.
But, he tempers: “If we need to show solidarity, we will. But there will be significant financial commitments. There is no question of undressing Peter to dress Paul.”
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