
“I sent my resignation by mail to the prefect of Oise. By these few words spoken during the wish ceremony de MouyWednesday January 22, Mayor Philippe Mauger carried out a reflection lasting several months. So Jean-Marie Caillaud no longer has to accept it (or not). After this stage, the municipal council will have to choose a new councilor.
Philippe Mauger has already presented his “dolphin”. It’s about. From Philippe Terrier, current deputy in charge of culture and communication. But even allowing for an election as mayor for one year, this is not a gift. Both the Mouy municipal council is divided between five approximately equal groups. “I do it out of loyalty, to complete projects and improve services,” explains the hypothetical successor.
“I have never regretted my decision”
But, in the meantime, Philippe Mauger presides over the vows ceremony. Which gives him the opportunity to take stock, both personal and political, of the last four years.
“From the start of, I had to face the major health crisis of Covid,” recalls the still mayor of Mouy. “A few weeks after my election, I was also diagnosed with vocal cord cancer.”
And also to mention the “big” cases which punctuated his mandate. Sometimes with very strong words. “In January 2022, I am required to withdraw the delegations of two deputies (Laïla Sebih and Katia Breton, editor’s note), after an administrative investigation. This leaves little doubt that there was an attempt at embezzlement (sic). I have never regretted my decision.” The elected official also mentions the accusations of rape against him. “The prosecutions were the subject of a dismissal,” he asserts.
“The municipal council allowed itself to be misled…”
Philippe Mauger continues: “In 2022, another hard blow, with the rejection of the budget, without accounting basis. The control of the regional chamber of accounts will not make any comments, will not issue any reservations, thus invalidating a suspicion of an insincere budget.
The chief magistrate assures him, “I don’t blame the municipal councilors. They allowed themselves to be abused by a manipulator (sic). The only losers are the inhabitants of Mouy.
“Little people like me”
If Philippe Mauger no longer intends to be mayor, he intends to remain a member of the local assembly until the 2026 elections. “Why hand over when you can manage current projects yourself?” he said aloud. “Above all, we are conveyors of history and experience to be more useful to future generations.”
And to conclude: “I was one of the rare (communist) mayors who reflected the image of its population. Above all, I remain a worker, the son of a worker. I acquired my social and political culture in the schools of trade union and political activism. I remain convinced that this is what is lacking today, for small people like me, to access responsibilities.”
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