
He announces it himself. The mayor de Mouy Philippe Mauger is no longer implicated in a dark rape case. Charge brought against him in 2022 by a city agent. Information confirmed by the Beauvais Public Prosecutor’s Office. The procedure was closed without further action.
“Fortunately, the accusation was based on SMS exchanges that I would have used to force her into sexual meetings,” explains the elected official, during the greetings of his town, where he also announced his resignation, Wednesday January 22 . “As soon as I was in police custody, I asked that we use the digital devices, computer, smartphone, external hard drives, which had been seized.”
“I never really got over it”
Still according to Philippe Mauger. “We had to wait 18 months and the arrival of a new prosecutor (Frédéric Trinh in Beauvais Editor’s note) for justice to order this exploitation. It will quickly lead to a classification decision without further action.”
The chosen one also dwells on the impact for him, but also for those close to him. “This episode will have been devastating,” he says. “I never really got over it.” Philippe Mauger suggests, once again, that these accusations have a link with the chaos encountered within the municipal council since the start of the mandate.
Searches at the town hall and the mayor’s house
These accusations, at the time, caused amazement in Mouy. In addition to seizing devices belonging to the mayor, the gendarmerie responsible for the investigation searched the councilor’s personal home. As well as the town hall.
The matter remained muted during the public sessions of the municipal council. Except once, at the end of the year. An elected official wanted to discuss the specific case of an agent on sick leave and without resources. Philippe Mauger then let his anger explode, abruptly ending the debate. This, under the pretext of “the ongoing legal proceedings”. Everyone around the table, and in the audience, then understood what the elected officials were talking about.
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