Canaries, parakeets, wild, exotic and psittacine phenotypes… The 750 caged birds And aviaries presented in competitions and more than 500 for sale, enlivened the small space of the home with their songs and colors. Hermes thus valued, with a space dedicated to the most beautiful specimens highlighted by the corner of the “best birds of this competition”, all divided into 5 categories.
The birds were submitted to the expert gaze of 7 professional national judges according to the criteria of the COM (World Ornithological Commission) and the CNJF (National Commission of Judges of France)).
Around fifty enthusiasts
An event bringing together more than fifty enthusiasts from Picardy, Normandy, Nord Pas de Calais and the Paris region where most of the clubs of theUROPBON (Picardie Val d’Oise Normandy Regional Ornithological Union) in the presence of its president Serge Ligeourco-organizer of the event with the local club on CAOB (Beauvaisis Bird Lovers Club)) chaired by Anthony Houcke.
A first edition organized at home by the CAOB and its thirty members faithful to this motto: “Raise, preserve, protect” who were able to count on the involvement of 25 volunteers for the smooth running of the event which received the surprise visit from the hygiene services.
Little diamonds by Philippe Delepine
The local club has particularly distinguished itself with numerous awards. This is the case of Philippe Delepineone of the members of the association.
At 63 years old, this resident of Hermes has been breeding birds for more than 40 years, mainly exotic birdsespecially “of the small diamonds“. A virus inherited from his now deceased father which remains engraved in his skin.
40 years of experience
As a passionate collector, the latter remains unable to quantify his livestock. For the occasion, he pre-selected some of the most beautiful specimens from his breeding to present them in the competition.
For once, the ornithologist did not have to cover kilometers but only a few steps to take part in this first regional championship and ornithological exhibition at the Hermes home, a stone’s throw from his home.
A choice of life
The color, shape, size, cleanliness of the cage… do the rest in the eyes of the professional jury, to estimate the value of a possible champion.
A carpenter by profession, Philippe divided his time between his profession and his passion. Now retired, the single and childless man can fully devote himself to his hobby, the treasures of his life.
Next dates: national championship which will be held in early December at Agenbefore the world championship in January in Portugal. Passionate ornithologists met on February 1st in Saint Félix for the traditional stock market.

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