Every Tuesday evening, the volunteers of Solidarity Migrants go to meet Migrant gathered at the Beauvais stationtheir only point of refuge sheltered from the cold, pending the arrival of Samu Social,, 115which brings them a little food and comfort, and above all, the possible “good news” of a bed available for the night. So : “Tuesday, January 14, 28 men, 36 women including 3 speakers and 15 children, a 5 month old baby, 79 people were outside or in the station awaiting a possible shelter. ”
An unacceptable situation and all the more disturbing for migrant solidarity volunteers as the end of the winter truce Who see the number of men, women and children parking at Beauvais station has grown since 2024, while on the contrary, the capacity of winter emergency, by nature ephemeral, until then 40 places “has just been reduced to 30 places per decision of the prefecture”Denounces the president,, Richard Labrousse. “” “Asylum seeking men are not affected by these accommodation and for lack of space in Cadasmust manage to find a place to sleep. These places prove to be filthy, dangerous and human rights attacks. ”

“Losing your life or staying in the cold?”
Cédric, 27, a activist Originally from Congofled his country because his life was threatened, leaving his family and friends to the country. “” “When we denounce, it creates problems. The best choices is to flee to put your life safe. I lost a tooth because of the torture after being taken prisoner. I fear for the lives of others, especially that of my family.“He has no news.
Arrived in France in November 2024, the asylum seeker did not imagine living such a ordeal, still putting his health and his life in danger. He says: “I fled my country to get to Roissy Charles de Gaule. From there associations brought me to Beauvais because I did not know. I am afraid because I know that the Minister of Defense promulgated a law following an escape from a prison, so all the escapees will be killed. Here it is not my life, but if I go home, I die. I have no choice. Lose your life or stay in the cold? I chose to come here to ask for asylum here. My life was in danger in my country, it remains so here too with the cold. I do convulsions. I am sent to EMERGENCIESdoctors tell me that I am not sick because I cannot take care of myself in the long term. ”
Three weeks without bed to sleep
“” “This life is not mine, I did not think about it. It’s too complicated. Do you see my shoes? With the rain, I haven’t changed, it’s wet, I’m cold, it hurts !! We remain grouped but at some point, everyone leaves in their corner. ” Transi of cold, “We say to ourselves: am I still alive?”
“” “In terms of meals, there too it’s complicated. At first we ate 3 times a day. Now there are no more breakfasts, than lunches and dinners. These are not consistent meals for people who stay cold, but it helps us. ” To hear Cédric, there is no solidarity between migrants: “Do you see a blind man asking another blind to help him?“” “
“” “When you are not selected, you stay all night in the cold. It’s not easy… ” Cédric has not closed his eye for three weeks. It is not for nothing that he welcomes the smile to the ears “good news” du Samu this evening of Tuesday, January 28: a bed for one evening, at Cadaseven a few hours! It is only a evening while waiting for the next one and especially the famous sesame: a passport to live with its own means, finally free!
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